A blockchain solution for Medical Records Keeping
- The goal is to put medical records/prescriptions onto the blockchain
- Maintains permanent, immutable and timestamped medical records with levels of security.
- Allows patients/doctors to access their medical records any where from the world;
- Reduce insurance fraud and low costs by simplify medial history check.
a browser like as Chrome/Firfox keep latest version
- factom release v1
- node.js 4.2.4 or above
- python 2.7
- install factomd/fctwallet/factom-cli in your server
- entry path sbin to execute startup_svr.sh you should ensure services have been started with command netstat -tanp find out port 8088/8089 state listening, progress name factomd/fctwallet
- execute init_db.py to create table on sqlite3 you can give other database to instead of sqlite3
- execute init_by_cli.sh with your factom private key and a new entry key to generate your public address to service
- see factom-cli commond with help: factom-cli -help, then execute: factom-cli balances
BitMedi is released under the terms of the MIT license. See http://mit-license.org for more information.