- This contract uses uniswap router function in order to perform swap
- It also has been test with hardhat by mainnet forking
The contract functionality includes :
- Swaping any erc20 token for eth
- withdrawing eth from contract, since contract does'nt direclty send eth to user when swapped
Functions :
swapTokenForEth(address _token, uint _amount)
is the main function by which user can swap token for ethwithdrawEth()
is to withdraw it from contract
Events :
ethWithdraw(address indexed to, uint amount)
is emitted when user withdraw eth from contractswap(address indexed token, address indexed user, uint amount)
is emitted when succesful swap occurs
Modifier :
is to avoid reentrancy attack to the contract
NOTE: Addresses may be diffrent depending upon network
Uniswap Router02
- Step 1: Install all the dependencies
npm install
- Step 2: Adding api credentials in hardhat config file
networks: { hardhat: { forking: { url: [-NEED-TO-CHANGE-], 👈 } } }
- Step 3: Now you are good to go!
- To start hardhat node
npx hardhat node
- To run test cases
npx hardhat test
- Scripts are avalibale in
folder - can run the script just calling the function
- Requires :
- An Api key of goerli chain
- an private key of account which has atleast 1 eth in balance
- Functionality :
- Add liquidity or creating the new pair
- approving contracts
- swaping token with swap contract
- should amount out before swaping