SpecNFS dataset is a collection of 1198 NFS-RFC specifications annotated with their SpecIR representation.
The datasets in SpecNFS along with their brief description are as follows:
- ./dataset/NER_dataset.csv
This is the dataset containing the information about the spans and type of the entities in a sentence
Column Description Sentence Sentence number Token Token in the sentence Token_ID Unique identifier of the span of entity in a sentence Token_no Sequence number of a token in a sentence. Partition The partition no. of the sentence which was used for the 5-fold cross validation reported in the paper - ./dataset/Link_dataset.csv
This is the dataset containing dependency link information between entities in a sentence
Column Description Head_id Entity span identifier of the head of the link Dep_id Entity span identifier of the dependent of the link Link Type of link between the head and the dependenct entity Sentence_no Sentence number of the link Partition The partition no. of the sentence which was used for the 5-fold cross validation reported in the paper - ./dataset/token_type2link_type.csv
This is the dataset containing the valid link types between different pair of entity types
Column Description H_Token_TYPE Head entity type D_Token_TYPE Dependenct entity type Link_TYPE Valid link types between head and dependenct entity types