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This repository contains all the relevant code and artifacts for the paper - Using Commonsense Knowledge to Answer Why Questions (Lal et al, EMNLP 2022)


Please visit this Zenodo link to download the models, data and other artifacts associated with the paper. Once the zip file has been downloaded and unzipped at the desired location, please follow the instructions below:

cd knowwhy/
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Installation below only required to generate automatic metric scores
cd src/
git clone
cd bleurt
pip install .
wget .
rm -rf



  • input_type is normal - Model input format: "question: Q context: C"
  • input_type is separator-normal - Model input format: "question: Q \n context: C" For the other supported input types:
  • if input_type contains original, COMET inferences are ranked according to their associated COMET scores and used in that order
  • if input_type contains reranked, COMET inferences are ranked according to a trained reranking model and used in that order
  • if input_type contains diverse, COMET inferences are ranked according to a trained reranking model with a post-hoc diversity constraint and used in that order
  • if input_type contains a number, that number denotes the number of COMET inferences used in the model input
  • if input_type contains tup - Model input format: "question: Q context: C relation: {rel_type} phrase: {rel_phrase} "
  • if input_type contains tupsep - Model input format: "question: Q \n context: C \n relation: {rel_type} phrase: {rel_phrase} \n"
  • if input_type contains verbalized - Model input format: "question: Q \n context: C \n verbalized_relation \n"


This section contains the commands used to train T5-base versions of all the models reported in the paper

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type normal --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_normal.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_normal
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type separator-normal --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_w_n_separator.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_w_n_separator
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type diverse-tup-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_diverse_tup_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_tup_3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type diverse-tupsep-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_diverse_tupsep_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_tupsep_3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type diverse-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_diverse_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type diverse-verbalized-1 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_diverse_verbalized_1.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type diverse-verbalized-5 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_diverse_verbalized_5.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_5
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type original-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_original_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_original_verbalized_3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --input-type reranked-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_ranked_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/finetune_t5base_reranked_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_reranked_verbalized_3


This section contains the commands used to run inference for T5-base versions of all the models reported in the paper. Please note that this is done on the TellMeWhy hidden test set. To run inference on the full test set, just remove the --hidden-test argument from the command and modify it to reflect new filenames.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type normal --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_normal.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_normal/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type separator-normal --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_w_n_separator.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_w_n_separator/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_w_n_separator.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type diverse-tup-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_diverse_tup_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_tup_3/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_diverse_tup_3.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type diverse-tupsep-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_diverse_tupsep_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_tupsep_3/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_diverse_tupsep_3.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type diverse-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_diverse_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_3/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_diverse_verbalized_3.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type diverse-verbalized-1 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_diverse_verbalized_1.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_1/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_diverse_verbalized_1.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type diverse-verbalized-5 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_diverse_verbalized_5.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_verbalized_5/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_diverse_verbalized_5.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type original-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_original_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_original_verbalized_3/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_original_verbalized_3.csv --hidden-test
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode test --input-type reranked-verbalized-3 --knowledge-folder ../data/comet_ranked_for_tellmewhy --dataset-name tellmewhy --data-folder ../data/tellmewhy/ --log-file ../logs/hidden_test_t5base_reranked_verbalized_3.log --model-dir ../models/t5base_diverse_reranked_verbalized_3/ --test-output-file ../artifacts/model_predictions/t5base_reranked_verbalized_3.csv --hidden-test

Generating COMET data

This section contains the commands used to generate COMET data for the entire TellMeWhy dataset

python --input-file ../data/tellmewhy/train.json --output-file ../data/comet_clean_for_tellmewhy/train.json
python --input-file ../data/tellmewhy/val.json --output-file ../data/comet_clean_for_tellmewhy/val.json
python --input-file ../data/tellmewhy/test_full.json --output-file ../data/comet_clean_for_tellmewhy/test_full.json
python --input-file ../data/tellmewhy/test_annotated.json --output-file ../data/comet_clean_for_tellmewhy/test_annotated.json


This section contains example commands to run automatic evaluation as well as use human evaluation judgments to generate Likert scores reported in the paper for each model. To see all the human evaluation numbers in one place, please check notebooks/Human_Eval_Numbers.ipynb.

Automatic Metrics - python --test-output-file ../data/model_predictions/t5base.csv --log-file ../logs/t5base.auto_metrics --temp-dir ../auto-metrics-store/t5base

Human Evaluation using judgment cache - python --predictions-file-path ../artifacts/model_predictions/gpt3_w_knowl.csv --answers-file-path ../artifacts/human_eval_cache.pkl --output-file-path gpt3_w_knowl.human_eval.json

Files and folders

data/tellmewhy - Original TellMeWhy data

data/comet_clean_for_tellmewhy - COMET2020 output along axes of desired relations paired with TellMeWhy metas

data/comet_sorted_by_raw_scores_for_tellmewhy - COMET2020 output along axes of desired relations sorted by COMET scores itself paired with TellMeWhy metas

data/comet_ranked_for_tellmewhy - COMET2020 output along axes of desired relations as ranked by Tanvi's ranker model paired with TellMeWhy metas but without any scores

src/ - File containing functions to load various types of data and create different model inputs

src/ - Main file for model training and inference

src/ - File to use COMET and generate relations and scores for TellMeWhy

src/ - File used to calculate various automatic metrics using the scheme described in (Lal et. al, 2021) for the full TellMeWhy test set; Usage example: python --test-output-file ../data/model_predictions/t5base.csv --log-file ../logs/t5base.auto_metrics --temp-dir ../auto-metrics-store/t5base

src/ - File used to calculate metrics using human judgments in a cache for model answers to the hidden TellMeWhy test set; Usage example: python --predictions-file-path ../artifacts/model_predictions/gpt3_w_knowl.csv --answers-file-path ../artifacts/human_eval_cache.pkl --output-file-path gpt3_w_knowl.human_eval.json

notebooks/Human_Eval_Numbers.ipynb - Jupyter notebook with all the human evaluation numbers reported in the paper

artifacts/model_predictions/ - Folder contains all the predictions made using T5-base models for which numbers are reported in the paper

artifacts/human_eval_cache.pkl - Cache of human judgments for answers given by all the models plus the initial human answers in the TellMeWhy dataset. This covers answers only for the hidden test set split and is used to calculate all the Likert score metrics. It contains ~7000 answers.

artifacts/hidden_test_set_ontology.csv - This file contains the hidden test set where the questions are annotated with the type of knowledge needed to answer them. The ontology is defined and discussed in the paper.


Please use the bibtex below to cite our work.

    title = "Using Commonsense Knowledge to Answer Why-Questions",
    author = "Lal, Yash Kumar  and
      Tandon, Niket  and
      Aggarwal, Tanvi  and
      Liu, Horace  and
      Chambers, Nathanael  and
      Mooney, Raymond  and
      Balasubramanian, Niranjan",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "1204--1219",
    abstract = "Answering questions in narratives about why events happened often requires commonsense knowledge external to the text. What aspects of this knowledge are available in large language models? What aspects can be made accessible via external commonsense resources? We study these questions in the context of answering questions in the TellMeWhy dataset using COMET as a source of relevant commonsense relations. We analyze the effects of model size (T5 and GPT3) along with methods of injecting knowledge (COMET) into these models. Results show that the largest models, as expected, yield substantial improvements over base models. Injecting external knowledge helps models of various sizes, but the amount of improvement decreases with larger model size. We also find that the format in which knowledge is provided is critical, and that smaller models benefit more from larger amounts of knowledge. Finally, we develop an ontology of knowledge types and analyze the relative coverage of the models across these categories.",


Yash Kumar Lal, Niket Tandon, Tanvi Aggarwal, Horace Liu Nate Chambers, Raymond Mooney, Niranjan Balasubramanian


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