Custom ansible playbooks for simple tasks and queries Generaly consists of templates however code meant to be universal ----Reference CheatSheet Memory Refresher Below-------
- GitHub allows you to host your code repositories online. I'll set up everything for it in this video. I'll also cover remote depositories in general.
- Remote repositories are normally read only, or read write only to those who are authorized
- You either push or pull updates from these remote repositories.
- To push your directory to GitHub ---------------- a. git init b. git add . # Stages all new and modified files and directories c. git commit -m 'Initial Project Version' d. git remote add origin URL e. git push origin master
- git remote -v # Lists all remotes and their URLs
- git fetch origin # Gets data from the remote, but it doesn't merge changes with your work
- git pull URL a. Pulls all changes and saves them to your directory
- How to push changes to GitHub ---------------- a. I add .gitignore for Android on my local machine b. In the terminal type I. git add .gitignore # Stage .gitignore II. git commit -m 'Added .gitignore for Android' # Commit III. git push # Push the changes to GitHub
- git remote rename origin sf # Renames remote to sf
- Tagging ---------------- a. Tags are used to tag files at important points in history b. git tag -a v0.1 -m 'version 0.1' # Creates an annotated tag c. git tag # Shows all the tags d. git show v0.1 # Shows details about the commit that was tagged e. git tag v0.4-lw I. Creates a lightweight tag on a commit that stores the hash for the commit f. git tag -a v0.01 c930a8 I. You can tag commits after the event also. When you enter this command an editor opens for you to leave a comment. The final part is the hash for the commit you want to tag. g. git push sf v0.1 # You can also push tags I. The tag shows up under releases on GitHub II. git push sf --tags # You can also push all tags at once h. You can set aliases to save time I. git config --global commit II. Now you can type git co to commit i. Clone a GitHub Repository I. Go to the directory you want to use II. git clone URL