Overview of Sral's Aquarium and Reef-Pi Build. Includes planning and progress reports.
Project Parts and Status:
- Aquarium: build-up
- next: CO2 + starting phase
- DIY CO2 Plant: testing
- next: seal leaks
- Reef-Pi: Build I2C modules
- next: build sensor module with EC, pH and ADC (ADS1115)
- DIY EC Sensor: program and test Pico conductivity sensor
- next: design a PCB and order a prototype
- DIY PWM Dimmer: testing
- next: build test circuit
Links to the Reef2Reef.com threads:
- Build Thread
- status: WIP
- DIY EC Sensor
- status: building test-circuit
- DIY PWM Dimmer
- status: waiting for parts
- Stale Build Thread
- status: "closed"
- Reef2Reef doesn't allow editing, so I can't update the Overview
- created new Build thread and will update here on GitHub
- non-native english speaker
- lack in professional terminology
- MINT PhD student
- basic background in electrics, electronics, programming, physics and chemistry
- enough theoretical understanding
- lack in practical knowledge
- e.g. prone to forget isolation and protection on signal lines
- no Aquarium experience
- apart from Youtube videos
- found in the respective project pages