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Spaxter edited this page Jul 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

CurseGuard Wiki


  • curseguard.* - Permission to use everything. Recommended for server administrators only.
  • curseguard.exempt - Players with this permission are exempt from the filter. The plugin will ignore any chat messages, signs or items prompted by these players.
  • curseguard.words.add - Permission to use the /cg add command to add words to the filter.
  • curseguard.words.remove - Permission to use the /cg remove command to remove words from the filter.
  • - Permission to use the /cg listwords command to see all words present in the filter.
  • - Permission to use the /cg help command to view available commands.



This is the main command. Shows the version of the plugin.

/cg help

Lists all commands available. Requires the permission to use.

/cg add <word> <action>

Add a word to the filter. Requires the curseguard.words.add permission to use.


  • <word> - Any word
  • <action> - Either CENSOR or BLOCK
Example usages:
  • /cg add banana block - This will cause any occurrences of the word "banana" to be completely blocked.
  • /cg add apple censor - This will cause any occurrences of the word "apple" to show as "*****" instead.

/cg remove <word>

Remove a word from the filter. Requires the curseguard.words.remove permission to use.


  • <word> - Any word that is present in filter
Example usages:
  • /cg remove banana - This will remove the word "banana" from the filter.

/cg listwords

Show all words present in the filter. Requires the permission to use.

Configuration Guide

  • config.yml This config file is the main configuration of the plugin. This is where you can customize the behavior of the plugin to your preferences.

This section of the wiki will list all available configuration options in this file along with an explanation.


Enables the debug logs from the plugin. This should typically always be false as it will spam a lot of uninteresting information to the server terminal. One reason to enable it might be when recreating an error caused by the plugin to help with figuring out exactly what went wrong.

  • default value: false
  • valid values: true or false


Allows you to change the character used to replace censored words with. E.g. changing this to '#' will cause censored messages to appear as "#####" instead of "*****".

  • default value: '*'
  • valid values: Any character supported by Minecraft, refer to this page for available characters.


If this option is enabled, censored words will still show the first letter before the censoring happens. E.g the word "banana" will appear as "b*****" instead of "******".

  • default value: false
  • valid values: true or false


Enables staff notifications whenever a word is censored or blocked. If this option is enabled, a notification with details about which word was filtered, where it was filtered and the name of the player will be sent to any player with the curseguard.staff.notifications permission.

  • default value: true
  • valid values: true or false


This configuration section allows control over where the filter will be applied


Enables the chat filter

  • default value: true
  • valid values: true or false


Enables the sign text filter

  • default value: true
  • valid values: true or false


Enables the item name filter. E.g anvil renames

  • default value: true
  • valid values: true or false


This configuration section allows control over the anti-spam mechanic in the plugin


Controls whether the anti-spam should be enabled or not

  • default value: true
  • valid values: true or false


This value decides how many messages can be sent during the time span specified below

  • default value: 5
  • valid values: Any number between 0 and 2147483647


The time to wait before resetting the count of messages. E.g. if this value is set to 5 and the above value messages is set to 5, players can send 5 messages every 5 seconds. This means they can on average send one message per second. If the player sends, for instance, 5 messages within 1 second they will be blocked from sending any further messages for 4 seconds.

  • default value: 5
  • valid values: Any number between 0 and 2147483647