is an algorithmic problem tasked with finding the shortest route between a set of points and locations
that must be visited. In the problem statement, the points are the cities a salesperson might visit.
We implemented algorithms such as:
- k-random
A greedy algorithm is a general term for algorithms that try to add the lowest cost possible in each iteration,
even if they result in sub-optimal combinations.
- Nearest Neighbour
The nearest neighbor heuristic is another greedy algorithm, or what some may call naive. It starts at one city
and connects with the closest unvisited city. It repeats until every city has been visited. It then returns to the starting city.
- Nearest Neighbour Extended
Better NN, which differ from NN of choosing start point.
- 2-OPT
It's a simple local search algorithm. Building the new route and calculating the distance of the new route can be a very expensive operation, usually
$O(n)$ where n is the number of vertices in the route. This can sometimes be skipped by performing a$O(1)$ operation. Since a 2-opt operation involves removing 2 edges and adding 2 different edges we can subtract and add the distances of only those edges.
- GA
Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem with Modified Cycle Crossover Operator.
It was group project. We wrote it in pair. We did a lot of tests and charts. We were using tsplib and tests instances.