My second semester project.
Last semester's project can be found
Built in Python 3.7/3.8, won't work in 2.X, Minimum possible (as far as I know) is 3.4 till the end of 3.X
Plans for this semester project:
I plan to make a wave-based attack game where the window shrinks when you lose health.
I hope to have actual images used, rather then drawing everything
I also hope to object-orient these/this program.
I may add music, some minor voice commands, or some internet usage.
Changelog for Alpha 5.0:
Added the new enemy that shoots at the tower
Added bullets (and their own class)
Added text that displays at the bottom of the information window to tell you things
Added in the game a difficulty selector, but difficulties are not impliemented yet
You can now set a seed for the game to use to replicate the randomness
Seperated each class into it's own file (except tower because it's almost empty)
Made the Shop menu able to pop out
Made it that way when you setup a new window size, you cannot make it too small in either direction
Added Window full sized for 20 secs for 20 Points in the shop
You can find previous changes
Castle Tower Image:
Music and Sound effects are modified from scratch's library, called:
Dance Energetic and Dance Funky, footsteps may be implmented later.
The shot sound is under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0,
has been trimmed to be one shot and quieter, and the original can be found here.
All the enemies are hand drawn.