A PS1 benchmark created with PSn00bSDK.
This benchmark is created for testing PS1 capabilities: graphics, commands and audio.
This program is tested on DuckStation PS1 emulator.
If you want to test it on a real PS1, you will need to mod it with a chip or using a modded memory card.
You can't use CD-RW because the PS1 laser reader cannot read it, use only good CD-R (Verbatim or Sony).
Download the latest release and burn .iso into a CD using any CD burner software.
This project is currently in development on Ubuntu (using WSL), Windows is not tested.
Steps for setting up environment:
- download last PSn00bSDK release
- open
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
- add in the end of the file
export PS1_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/PSn00bSDK/root/folder
source ~/.bashrc
- clone the repository
- execute cmake
cmake --preset default .
Now you can build the project with cmake --build ./build