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The payutc app

Getting Started

Add env file

Add env.dart file in lib/src/ with content

const String nemoPayUrl = "";
const String payUrlCallback = "";
const String nemoPayAppId = "YOUR_APP_ID";
const String casUrl = "";
const String nemoPayKey = "YOUR_WEEZPAY_APPKEY";
const String gingerKey = "YOUR_GINGER_APPKEY";
const String sentryDsn = "YOUR_SENTRY_DSN";

Run app

flutter run

Build apk

flutter build apk

Build ios

flutter build ipa


Prepare tests

The tests use mockito

For the unit tests, you need to build mockito before running the tests.

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Run tests

flutter test


Translation is managed by arb files. You can find them in lib/src/l10n/. The used package is intl.

Generate arb files translations

We have made a script to generate new languages files from arb file source and locale of destination. We are using google translate to translate the source arb file.

Environment variables for the script

const translateClient = "YOUR_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_CLIENT";


📣 Be sure you are in the root of the project

dart ./translate/translate.dart <command> <local1,local2> <source_path>

Type dart ./translate/translate.dart to see all commands examples

To translate the app

dart ./translate/translate.dart arb en,es,it,de lib/l10n/intl_fr.arb


Before pushing your code, please run flutter analysis commands.

flutter analyze
flutter pub run import_sorter:main
flutter format .
