NoirGate provides on-demand ephemeral anonymous shells secured by MFA.
To get started text HOW to 1337-561-1337 to see the options.
There are often times while conducting security research where you need a quick disposable terminal environment to validate findings or conduct research anonymously. Shell Company provides on-demand web sandboxes running Tor, and DNS over TLS for layer-7 anonymity.
- Text SHELL to 1337-561-1337
- Receive workspace link
- Wait 5 seconds ⌚
- Text OTP to 1337-561-1337
- Wait 5 seconds ⌚
- Enter OTP value in workspace prompt
- Happy Hacking
*If you received an Access Denied message following a valid OTP, please make sure you observed the wait times in the instructions
🐚NoirGate Shell Company🐚
HOW this menu
SHELL spawn a temporary shell
GET retrieve files from /tmp
BYE destroy all active shells
OTP send a new noirgate otp
Shell As A Service ®
Cloud Clients
- aws - amazon web services cli
- az - azure cloud cli
- gcloud - google cloud cli
- kubectl/k - kubernetes api client
Misc Clients
- wget
- curl
- w3m - text www browser
- lynx - text www browser
- mssql-cli - mssql client
- pgcli - postgres client
- graphcurl - graphql client
Security Tools
- heatlevel - Current tor node IP and rating L:✅/M:
⚠️ /H:🔥 - msf - metasploit framework
- nmap - the network mapper
- aterm - ASHIRT terminal client
- tor/torsocks - torified shell
- mitmproxy
- forensics-all - debian forensics tools
- oletools - python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files - GitHub
- pdfid - pdf forensics
Dev Tools
- git
- go
- python
- irb
- node
- jq
- htop
- nano
- vim
- bash
- zsh