- The site takes the location query from the user in the format - ‘City, State’.
- Relevant data from sites like oyorooms.com and yatra.com is scrapped in real-time and stored in a csv files. Data fields include - Hotel Name, Price, Images, Address, Ratings, and Hotel URL.
- This data is reflected on the site ready for the user to interact.
- Filter features like sorting on the basis of popularity and relevance are included for better results.
Here are a few snippets of the website -
The project is open source and all suggestions and amendments are welcome from the community. Here is a guide to help you install.
Code editor, Python (latest version).
Fork the repository.
To clone the repository to your local system, navigate to the folder where you want to save the project and run the command-
git clone https://github.com/your-github/Find-Your-Stay.git
Now navigate to the root folder of the project where the “manage.py” file is located.
Create a virtual environment using the command-
python3 -m virtualenv env_name
Note: You can name the virtual environment at your convenience. -
To activate the virtual environment, use the command-
And now to install all the project-related dependencies, run the command in the root folder-
pip3 install -r Requirements.txt
To run the application, use the command-
python3 manage.py runserver
This runs the project on your local host. To stop use the server ‘CTRL + C’.