Django Chat Application with Socket Integration
Description: This repository contains a Django-based chat application leveraging WebSocket technology for real-time communication. Built using Django Channels, the application enables seamless, instant messaging among users within a secure environment.
Key Features:
Real-Time Messaging: Utilizes WebSocket protocol for instant message updates without page refresh. User Authentication: Secure login and authentication system for user privacy and control. Multi-room Chat: Support for multiple chat rooms for diverse conversation threads. Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless experience across devices - desktop, tablet, and mobile. Customizable UI: Easily adaptable interface, allowing customization and expansion. Technologies Used:
Django Django Channels WebSocket HTML
How to Use:
Clone the repository. Install dependencies using requirements.txt. Configure the Django settings for your environment. Run the Django development server. Access the application in your web browser. Contributions and Feedback: Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or raise issues for enhancements or bug fixes.