This is an Angular (14) and Express (4.18) starter project.
It includes several libraries to kickstart your project:
Install the dependencies with npm install
, then you'll need to start the
Express server by running npm run start-server
and start the Angular dev server with npm start
The Angular app will come up at http://localhost:4200 and the Express API will be available at http://localhost:8080
Click the "Register" button to register a user. After you register you'll be automatically logged in and see your profile on the Dashboard.
Now, you can refresh the page and login with the user you just created.
Authentication is being handled by Passport.js with JWT tokens. The implementation code is in server/src/security/passport.ts
A Sqlite database at db.sqlite is being accessed via TypeORM
Git hooks are being executed via Husky. The hooks are configured in .husky/pre-commit
The first thing you may want to do is replace Sqlite with a fully featured database like Postgres. To do that, install pg and then change the connection details in server/src/database.ts
After that, you can add new Angular components and Express routes to build out your application.