Lamp Based on ESP8266 module and WS8212b 16x16 Full Color LED Matrix. Features:
- Multiple effects based on FastLED library;
- Ability to select WiFi to connect to (thanks to WiFiManager library);
- Ability to work with no connection to any SSID (creates own AP, no NTP support in this case);
- Templates-based Web-interface to control;
- LittleFS filesystem;
- OTA support;
- One touch-sensitive button control (short touch: ON/OFF, double touch: next effect, long hold: brightness control);
- Effect changes: none, random, sequential;
- Speed change (not for all effects done yet, control from web-page only);
- Style change (not for all effects done yet, control from web-page only);
- NTP support, can show time/date;
- NTP supports auto-DST changes;
- Save all settings in flash when turned off, restore it on power up and turn on.
See video here:
List of used libraries:
- FastLED (
- WiFiManager (
- OneButton (
- SSVXYMatrix (my library,
- SSVRGBGradientCalc (my library,
- SSVXYMatrixText (my library,
- SSVTimer (my library,
- SSVNTPCore (my library,
- SSVLongTime (my library,