- Compositor: Hyprland
- App launcher: rofi
- Status bar: agsv1
- Screen locker: hyprlock
- Theme changing: pywal, wpgtk & scripts
- Notifications: swaync
- Terminal: foot
The list below is my personall fresh install process. Check targets in Makefile and adjust to your needs.
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seme4eg/dotfiles/master/Makefile
make ssh
-> add ssh pub key that’s stored in printed 0x0 link to github- import all gpg keys you need
make install
make postinstall
- reboot, wait for the internet, login, launch hyprland,
make postreboot
- setup gpg
- also DO check targets in makefile that need to be run manually
- clone secrets into ~/git/secrets repo, not in HOME dir
- okular for signing pdfs, for now still searching for more lightweight solution cuz it pulls like 60 packages along with it
- font-manager - whenever i need to mess with fonts in my system, whether its status bar styling or anything else
- rename ~/git to ~/repos, makes more sence, adjust all the paths and move dotfiles repo there as well, make an alias that will prevent you from mindlessly running ‘stow .’ and pollute your ~/repos dir cuz you ran it in ~/repos/dotfiles.