Scott1743/simditor-rails base on Simditor(v1.0.5) and Carrierwave,Rails(> 3.2.18), the universal_version is a version that includes features of image uploader, automatic initialization, width preset.
Add it to Gemfile:
gem 'simditor', github: 'Scott1743/simditor', branch: 'universal_version'
bundle install
Create the migration file:
rake railties:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Require the relevance in 'application.rb':
require 'carrierwave'
Mount this route to Rails routes:
mount Simditor::Engine => '/simditor'
Override the default uploader (optional):
If the name of your uploader is not 'SimditorUploader', the gem will use the default uploader (SimditorDefaultUploader).
Of course, you needn't to create any uploader if you just want a demo.
Override the Carrierwave uploader:
rails generate uploader Simditor
app/uploaders/simditor_uploader.rb >>
class SimditorUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
# Notice the class name
//= require simditor
//= require simditor/init
*= require 'simditor'
In your page:
<%= f.text_area :content, simditor: true %>
<textarea simditor='true'></textarea>
Now, Simditor could be worked.
The initialized width of Simditor is 720px, and you can set the initialized width in this way:
<%= f.text_area :content, simditor: 800 %>
<%= f.text_area :content, simditor: '100%' %>
You can initialize Simditor without requiring 'simditor/init', then also can initialize it with original way:
If you use this gem with Turbolinks, please add the gem jquery.turbolinks
Scott1743/simditor-rails only depends on the Carrierwave, if you need more features of the uploader, please refer to documents of Carrierwave.