A Software Developer 🚀 with experience of building Full Stack 🌐 applications and Hybrid 📱 Applications.
- 🔭 I’m currently working as: Freelance Developer, Ex @Sconto, Ex @Mentro
- 👯 I'm moving ahead with the rapidly changing world trying to create an impact that brings a major change in the world .
- 💬 Ask me about MongoDB, Freelancing, React, NodeJS , JavaScript, CSS, React-Native ,Open Source, BeatBoxing, Flute 🎶️ and more
- 😄 Passion work: BeatBoxing, Flutist 🎧️, Artist 🎨
- ⚡ Past work and experience: SDE @Sconto, SE Intern @TeamCognito
- 📫 How to reach me: