It will show code style errors in this cases:
- Model class doesn't have docstring at all
- Model class's docstring doesn't describes model's fields
- Model class's proprieties doesn't have docstrings
- Model class doesn't have docstring at allDMD2
- Model class's docstring doesn't describes model's fields. They should be described like this:field_name
- Model class's proprieties doesn't have docstrings
First you need to install all needed dependencies for development:
pip install -r development.txt
To install plugin into your current environment:
pip install .
If you are working with PyCharm, this plugin might be useful pytest-pycharm
To fully check your code with style check run this:
pytest --isort --flake8
To just fo style check run this:
pytest --isort --flake8 -m "isort or flake8"
To test your code against different versions of python run:
Note: they must be installed
(you can do it by pyenv
If want ot specify version of python:
tox -e py35
To run in parallel:
tox --parallel auto