A simple employee management system based on Java, build with the help of NetBeans IDE 12.4. This project uses the Java Swing Library along with AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API and uses MySQL as database to perform basic CRUD operations.
Tools: NetBeans IDE 12.4, XAMPP 8.0.9
Tech: Java Swing, AWT, JDBC, MySQL
- Install Java (JDK 9+), NetBeans IDE 12.4, XAMPP 8.0.9.
- Clone the project
cd employee-management
Open NetBeans > File > Open Project. Navigate to this particular folder and select the NetBean Project with NetBeans icon.
Open XAMPP and start Apache and MySQL
- Open the browser of your choice and type localhost in your URL bar.
- This should open XAMPP dashboard. Now Click on phpMyAdmin
- This should open phpMyAdmin page. You now have to create a database, click on the new button on the left menu, this will open Databases page, enter your database name and click create. For this project database name is employee_mgmt.
- employee_mgmt database will have 2 tables with the following schemas.
- user Table Schema
- employees Table Schema
After setting up, open NetBeans Project. Expand the project and right click on the Libraries folder and click on Add JAR/Folder.
- Navigate to employee-management > jar and add your .jar files as dependencies to the project. Files you would need.
- jcalendar-1.4.jar
- mysql-connector-java-5.1.24-bin.jar
- rs2xml.jar
- thumbnailator-0.4.7-all.jar
- Navigate to employee-management > jar and add your .jar files as dependencies to the project. Files you would need.
Run the project.
Login Module.
Unsuccessful Login will display this error message.
Employee Module after successful login.