The GW pipeline is the pipeline where we go from LIGO trigger to candidate list. The automation script will call Main-Injector, gw_workflow, and Post-Processing. To run on a des machine:
To clone and update:
#to clone with submodules
git clone --recursive <url>
#Update submodules
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
To run
conda activate des18a
You may want to check dagmaker.rc to make sure you have the correct email and flags you want (writedb, cutoffs, etc.) Note that you can only submit jobs for dagmaker/SEprocessing when running as the desgw user
The only step that may need human intervention is in creating the config file for recycler. The different options for are:
- '--camera', choices=['decam', 'hsc'], default='decam'
- '--res', type=str, choices=[64, 128, 256], default=128 #skymap resolution
- '--debug', type=str, choices=[True,False], default=False
- '--propid', default='2017B-0110'