a lightweight form validator that base on validator-core.
npm install --save forms-validator
import FormValidator from 'forms-validator'
const ruleSet = [
name: 'ChinaName',
rules: ['required', 'size:2-24', /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/],
tips: ['不能为空', '长度为2到24', '不是中文']
name: 'EnglishName',
rules: ['required', 'size:2-24', /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/],
tips: ['Required...', 'Should have 2-24 letter', 'Not a valid English Name']
// assume there are 5 fields need to check of the form
const formValidator = new FormValidation(5, ruleSet)
loaded as a standalone script
<script src="forms-validator.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const formValidator = new FormValidation()
- rule-set.factory.js
export default ruleSetFactory (formType) {
switch (formType) {
case 'simpleForm':
return simpleForm()
return simpleForm()
function simpleForm () {
return [
name: 'ChinaName',
rules: ['required', 'size:2-24', /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/],
tips: ['不能为空', '长度为2到24', '不是中文']
name: 'EnglishName',
rules: ['required', 'size:2-24', /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/],
tips: ['Required...', 'Should have 2-24 letter', 'Not a valid English Name']
name: 'Age',
optional: true,
rules: ['gt:18'],
tips: ['age should be large then 18']
name: 'Email',
rules: ['required', 'email', 'size:24'],
tips: ['不能为空', '不是合法的 Email 地址', 'Email 地址过长']
name: 'StartDate',
rules: ['required', 'after:2017-10-03'],
tips: ['需要', '2017-10-03号之后']
name: 'Price',
rules: ['required', 'lt:5000'],
tips: ['错啦错啦']
name: 'Color',
rules: ['required', 'in:blue,red,orange']
- test.js
import FormValidator from 'forms-validator'
import ruleSetFactory from './rule-set.factory'
const simpleForm = ruleSetFactory('simpleForm')
simpleFormValidator = new FormValidator(3, simpleForm)
// assume there are 3 fields in this form
const result = simpleFormValidator.field('name').check('李狗蛋', 'ChinaName')
// => {isError: false, isPass: true, name: 'ChinaName'}
/* because there are 3 fields of this form
* but only the field 'name' is checked
* so the status of this form is not passed
// => false
const ageResult = simpleFormValidator.field('manAge').check(19, 'Age')
const emailResult = simpleFormValidator.field('iEmail').check('[email protected]', 'Email')
console.log(ageResult.isPass) // => true
console.log(emailResult.isPass) // => true
console.log(simpleFormValidator.isPass) // => true
// age should great then 18 (gt:18)
const ageResult2 = simpleFormValidator.field('manAge').check(17, 'Age')
console.log(ageResult2.isPass) // => false
console.log(simpleFormValidator.isPass) // => false
, amount fileds of the form to checkruleSet
, see the validator-core for detail
properties, if all fields of the form are pass, return true.
, unique filed name for the form
return status of all fields
, if the total fields of the form dynamic changed, use this method to change the total fields of validator
see validator-core for detail
see validator-core for detail
see validator-core for detail
see validator-core for detail
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
hwen 🤔 💻 🎨 📖 💡 |
Copyright (c) 2017-present, hwen [email protected]