Weekly wheel build images #134
1 error
Build and push Docker image
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apk add -u redland rasqal hdf5 swig rust cargo && cd /opt/_internal && tar -Jxvf static-libs-for-embedding-only.tar.xz && sed -e 's/^\\(pydantic>.*<\\).*$/\\12/' -e '/^psycopg/d' -e '/^matplotlib/d' -e '/^scikit-image/d' -e '/^ncempy/d' -e '/^h5py/d' -e '/oteapi/d' -e '/^otelib/d' -i /tmp/requirements_full.txt && mkdir -p /ci/pip_cache && for minor in ${PY_MINORS}; do [ \"_1_1\" = \"_1_1\" ] && [ $minor -gt 11 ] && continue || python3.${minor} -m pip install -U pip && python3.${minor} -m pip install -U setuptools wheel && python3.${minor} -m pip install -U --cache-dir /ci/pip_cache cmake oldest-supported-numpy && python3.${minor} -m pip install --cache-dir /ci/pip_cache --prefer-binary -r /tmp/requirements_full.txt -r /tmp/requirements_dev.txt; done && rm -rf /ci/pip_cache /tmp/requirements*.txt" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1