Music files in .fmf format for the Flipper Zero Music Player plugin
- Attach your Flipper to your computer and open qFlipper.
- Click on the File manager tab, then SD Card, then music player.
- In there should be the file for Marble_Machine.fmf. Copy your new files into that folder, and the player should immediately be able to find them.
.fmf files should have the following format:
Filetype: Flipper Music Format
Version: 0
BPM: <integer beats per minute>
Duration: <default note duration>
Octave: <default octave>
Notes: <comma-delimited list of notes>
- duration: Number between 1 & 128, defaults to project duration. 1 is a full note, 2 is a half note, 4 is quarter note, etc. (i.e. 1/d)
- note: A through G or P for pause (rest)
- sharp: # or omitted
- octave: Between 1 & 16, defaults to project octave
- dots: Between 1 & 16 '.' characters. Each dot makes the note 150% of its length. (1.5^n)
- Eight note pitch of C, fourth octave4A#5.
- Dotted quarter note pitch of A sharp, fifth octave2P
- Half note rest