SBC Slow Control server and related code This is a help files to specify some detais on how to operate GUI on sbcslowcontrol machine 0. Tutorial: 0.a open a terminal on sbcslowonctrol machine. Menu-> Applications -> System Tools -> Xfce Terminal 0.b activate conda environment. "source ~/" "conda activate sbcslowcontrol" if you want to see conda env list, run "conda env list"
this is the code directory
0.d run the background code "source" 0.e add another tab or terminal, activate conda environment again and run ""-this is GUI
1.Python 3.7 is istalled in /usr/src.
2.Python 3.6 as default of python 3, is installed in usr/bin ANaconda3 is installed in /home/hep/Anaconda3 by default settings. conda environment is called sbcslowcontrol, type"conda activate sbcslowcontrol" you can run "conda env list" to list all conda environments.
3.sudo tar xzf pycharm-*.tar.gz -C /opt/ pycharm directory is in /opt/ by default /opt/pycharm/bin/sh to run the pycahrm or directly run pycharm
4.mysql usr: root pwd: SBCr0ck5! usr:MyseeQ usr:slowcontrol
5.git local directory sbc_slowcontrol\SBC-Slowcontrol branch main
6.remote repository [email protected]:SBC-Collaboration/SBC-SlowControl.git alias sbcslowcontrol
7.iptable settings: INPUT accept localhost SEEQ( )and drop other connection install iptables-services service iptables save will save the updated settings permanantly.
8.SBC database structure SBCslowcontrol tables: DataStorage MetaDataStorage
9.BKG settings
background code:
go to $ SBC_reconstruct$
10.Alarm Settings The alarm csv is saved in /home/hep/.config/sbcconfig/sbc_alarm_config.csv Everyone can directly edit it in order to change the configuration of alarms. And background code will load it automatically everytime it reruns. I didn't put it in the same directory as code because I still frequenty push and pull from github on both my pc and slowcontrol machine. I want to avoid branch conflict as much as possible.