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SBC Slow Control server and related code This is a help files to specify some detais on how to operate GUI on sbcslowcontrol machine 0. Tutorial: 0.a open a terminal on sbcslowonctrol machine. Menu-> Applications -> System Tools -> Xfce Terminal 0.b activate conda environment. "source ~/" "conda activate sbcslowcontrol" if you want to see conda env list, run "conda env list"

0.c cd ~/Downloads/sbc_slowcontrol/SBC_slowcontrol/slowcontrol_reconstruct

   this is  the code directory

0.d run the background code "source" 0.e add another tab or terminal, activate conda environment again and run ""-this is GUI

1.Python 3.7 is istalled in /usr/src.

2.Python 3.6 as default of python 3, is installed in usr/bin ANaconda3 is installed in /home/hep/Anaconda3 by default settings. conda environment is called sbcslowcontrol, type"conda activate sbcslowcontrol" you can run "conda env list" to list all conda environments.

3.sudo tar xzf pycharm-*.tar.gz -C /opt/ pycharm directory is in /opt/ by default /opt/pycharm/bin/sh to run the pycahrm or directly run pycharm

4.mysql usr: root pwd: SBCr0ck5! usr:MyseeQ usr:slowcontrol

5.git local directory sbc_slowcontrol\SBC-Slowcontrol branch main

6.remote repository [email protected]:SBC-Collaboration/SBC-SlowControl.git alias sbcslowcontrol

7.iptable settings: INPUT accept localhost SEEQ( )and drop other connection install iptables-services service iptables save will save the updated settings permanantly.

8.SBC database structure SBCslowcontrol tables: DataStorage MetaDataStorage

9.BKG settings background code: go to $ SBC_reconstruct$ $chmod +x$ $crontab -e$ and uncomment the part

10.Alarm Settings The alarm csv is saved in /home/hep/.config/sbcconfig/sbc_alarm_config.csv Everyone can directly edit it in order to change the configuration of alarms. And background code will load it automatically everytime it reruns. I didn't put it in the same directory as code because I still frequenty push and pull from github on both my pc and slowcontrol machine. I want to avoid branch conflict as much as possible.


SBC Slow Control server and related code






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