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Aleo Name Service API Documentation

This project exposes several API endpoints for the purposes of name-to-hash conversions, obtaining the primary name of an address, getting the address of a name, and resolving a category and name to content.

API Endpoints

1. GET /name_to_hash/{name}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name and returns a NameHash object.

  • URL Params: name (required)
  • Success Response: 200 OK with JSON body: { "name_hash": "<name_hash>", "name": "<name>" }
  • Error Response: 500 Internal Server Error with JSON body: { "error": "Error parsing name: <error>" }

2. GET /primary_name/{address}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter address and returns an AddressName object.

  • URL Params: address (required)
  • Success Response: 200 OK with JSON body: { "address": "<address>", "name": "<name>" }
  • Error Response: 404 Not Found

3. GET /address/{name}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name and returns an AddressName object.

  • URL Params: name (required)
  • Success Response: 200 OK with JSON body: { "address": "<address>", "name": "<name>" }
  • Error Response: 404 Not Found

4. GET /resolver

This API endpoint accepts query parameters name and category and returns a ResolverContent object.

  • Query Params: name and category (both required)
  • Success Response: 200 OK with JSON body: { "content": "<content>", "name": "<name>", "category": "<category>" }
  • Error Response: 404 Not Found

5. GET /public_ans/{address}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter address and returns Vec<NFTWithPrimary> object.

  • URL Params: address (required)
  • Success Response: 200 OK with JSON body: { "address": "<address>", "name": "<name>", "name_hash": "<name_hash>", "is_primary_name": "<is_primary_name>", "resolver": "<resolver>" }
  • Error Response: 404 Not Found

6. GET /subdomain/{name}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name and returns List subdomains

7. GET /resolver/{name}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name and returns List ResolverContent

8. GET /token/{name_hash}

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name_hash and returns token

9. GET /token/{name_hash}.svg

This API endpoint accepts a path parameter name_hash and returns an avatar for a name hash

10. GET /statistic

This API endpoint return the server statuses

  "cal_time": 1701796297,
  "block_height": 1264452,
  "total_names_24h": 163,
  "total_names": 2226,
  "total_pri_names": 1298,
  "total_nft_owners": 888

Running the server

Local host

Start PostgresQL with init.sql and Redis before running the program. To start the server in local, run the following command:

export REDIS_URL=redis://locahost:6379/0
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:pwd@locahost:5432/ans
cargo run

With docker-compose

docker-compose up

The server will start on localhost port 8080.


Error handling is implemented in the code, so if an error occurs (like parsing errors), the server will respond with an appropriate HTTP status code and error message.

Please feel free to contribute to this project or open issues if you encounter any problems.


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