angular-multimodule-cli will help you create and maintain multiple npm modules in a single repository.
Why you should use this cli?
Based upon @ngrx/platform build system.
$ npm i -g angular-multimodule-cli
$ ng-multi new my-project
$ cd my-project
$ yarn
$ yarn bootstrap
This will create a new project, install all the dependencies and link all the modules together
- lerna to manage multiple modules.
- lint-staged linting with tslint and stylelint on staged files.
- prettier code formatter.
- jest unit test framework.
- commitizen simple commit conventions for internet citizens.
- Support for css/scss style inline
- Support for html templates inline
- [ ] Choose package manager ( default is yarn )
- [ ] Create a playground ( maybe based on angularplayground )
- [ ] Improve README
- [ ] Ask for modules to create at the start
- [ ] Add command to create a module on already created project
- [ ] Add unit tests
- [ ] Ask for author
- [ ] Docs generation