Releases: Russel88/CRISPRCasTyper
Releases · Russel88/CRISPRCasTyper
- Change the color scheme, such that interference, adaptation, and processing modules are colored differently
- Fix a regex bug where Cas10/11/12/13 were erroneously counted as a Cas1 match for calculating adaptation completion
Fix bug with some low quality matches missing in the plot
Include columns which indicates % completion of the interference and adaptation modules.
Also includes updated scores, such that cas6 no longer gives scores to I-C, and csm3 now gives scores to III-F.
Csf3_Csf1 fusion protein is renamed to Csf3-Csf1 for consistency,
Fix problem with 2 gene operons with an unspecific single effector gene and a specific accessory gene, for which the specific accessory gene falsely overruled the typing. These are now called Ambiguous.
Fix plotting bug for sequences without CRISPRs
- Fix plotting bugs with expansions of arrays from multifastas
- Make sure arrays are plotted with expansions of orphan Cas operons and CRISPR-Cas loci
- Make sure only genes within the expansions boundaries are plotted
Optimize plot expansions:
- Expansions of plot is now only defined in bp
- If expansions overlap with other operons, these Cas genes are still colored red, and not green
- Make sure all genes are added correctly for loci spanning ends of circular sequences
Fix plotting of loci spanning ends of circular sequences