Releases: Russel88/CRISPRCasTyper
Releases · Russel88/CRISPRCasTyper
Update plot engine to output vector graphics (svg) along with png plots, along with other aesthetic updates.
- Include the new Cas13X and Cas13Y as VI-X and VI-Y subtypes
- Update to the newest repeatTyper model
- Include CRISPR detecting by BLASTing known repeats near cas operons for a more sensitive CRISPR detection
- Inlude the updated repeatTyper model instead of the one based on the curated database.
- Include strand information of the cas operons
- Numeric fasta headers are now fixed instead of aborting
- Speed-up CRISPR stats part for long CRISPR arrays by approximation. This can be by-passed with
- Update names of a few HMMs in line with recent research
- Fix bug popping up with newer pandas version
- Fix an edge case bug where some single effector cas operons were falsely denoted as Ambiguous, despite unambiguous typing
- Loosen cutoffs on Cas12a to get a more sensitive V-A prediction
- Add CRISPR stats: Repeat identity, spacer identity, repeat length, spacer length, spacer length standard error
- Add a CRISPR filtering step based on the stats. CRISPRs are only trusted if:
- repeat identity is high (>70%),
- spacer identity is low (<55%),
- spacer length standard error of the mean is low (<3.5).
- CRISPRs adjacent to cas operons are always retained,
- CRISPRs with a subtype prediction probability > 0.9 are always retained.
- Fix a plotting bug for sequences without any match to a Cas HMM
- Fix a redo-ing bug for sequences without any match to a Cas HMM
Expand subtypes into variants:
- V-B into V-B1 and V-B2
- V-F into V-F1, V-F2, V-F3, and the remainder in V-F
- VI-B into VI-B1 and VI-B2
Add the possibility to run HMMER against a custom HMM database. Names of matches will be added to the previously unknown (non-cas) ORFs in the plot