ROS(Robot Operating System) is a software framework to enable communication, data flow, and suitable infrastructure development for a hardware-software system (robotics being the best application).
Oh, wait! It is also technically not an operating system. ROS is an OS only in concept because it provides all the services that any other OS does — hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementationof commonly-used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management. But, ROS is a framework on top of the OS that allows it to abstract the hardware from the software. This means you can think in terms of software for all the hardware of the robot.
And that’s good news for you because this implies that you can actually create programs for robots without having to deal with the hardware. Cool right!
• You’ll find a ROS Package for literally anything!
• Easy communication between multiple language nodes (Python, C++, Java, etc) Great Simulation Tools
• Simulate multiple robots with ROS
• ROS doesn’t occupy much space.
• ROS Software is open source and free to use.
• Growing user base, making ROS more prominent in near future.
ROS is the most mature, open source robotics project in the world. So if you are planning to get into robotics, you need to master it.
In the next section, we are going to move onto the problem of
installing ROS.
Once you are done with the installation you have two options either head to course OR our content
ROS is complex. ROS takes time. But the end result is fruitful.
NOTE: We would always prefer you to look up ros wiki and ros answers as they contain literally everything from where most of us have learnt ROS.