A platform for twitch users to have easy access to no copyright music that they can play on their stream without fear of infringing copyrights.
This project is actively being updated, and in no way tested for production release. Please keep this in mind as updates are always being pushed, and we do not endorse this application as "production ready" at all. We try our best to keep a list of actively known bugs below. If you find one, please create an issue.
You can now control next, play/pause, and previous actions via your keyboard, or bluetooth.
- Ability to edit playlist
- Ability to upload custom tracks to your playlist
- Ability to remove playlists
- Login page update (Accept more social networks, etc)
- None yet, please report them by opening an issue.
- Create
with the following:
NOTE Admin accounts should be based on the login username for Twitch. When you login via twitch, if it matches the login, it will give you admin privelages.
is the cookies from Youtube Audio Library. Use your browser's inspector to retrieve this. It is used to make requests to the JSON data for tracks.
- Create
with the following:
- Run the following commands from the root directory:
cp backend/api/melodious.json.example melodious.json
cd backend/api && yarn
cd backend/api && yarn start
cd frontend && yarn
cd frontend && yarn start
- Running the overlay service (Optional)
cd overlay && yarn
yarn start
Access it via: http://localhost:3008/?streamer=username
For the ease of spinning up a development API service, the API is using lowdb
, a flat file json database api.
The overlay portion of melodious is for streamers. They would use the given url to add a browser source to their stream so they can properly give artists of the songs playing credit. This is to avoid any issues with copyrights.
Make sure when you are running the server, if you are running it with anything that watches files, ignore melodious.json
. If you do not, the server will constantly loop because of changes to the file.
There are a few ways to add tracks to your melodious application. Look below for more information.
To access Melodious Admin from within the melodious application, you must first add your Twitch username to the ADMIN_ACCOUNTS=""
environment variable in /backend/api/.env
(Refer to installation above.)
Once you have done this, run the frontend application, login with your Twitch account, then navigate to "Admin -> Tracks". From there, you can add tracks.