A toy Swift code generator based on SwiftSyntax, leveraging Function Builders
Xcode 11 beta-bundled Swift 5.1
import SyntaxBuilder
struct UserSourceFile: SourceFile {
let idType: Type
var body: Body {
Struct("User") {
Typealias("ID", of: idType)
Let("id", of: "ID")
.prependingComment("The user's ID.", .docLine)
Let("name", of: "String")
.prependingComment("The user's name.", .docLine)
Var("age", of: "Int")
.prependingComment("The user's age.", .docLine)
ForEach(0 ..< 3) { i in
Let("value\(i)", of: "String")
User is an user.
""", .docBlock)
let user = UserSourceFile(idType: "String")
var str: String = ""
user.write(to: &str)
import Foundation
User is an user.
struct User {
typealias ID = String
/// The user's ID.
let id: ID
/// The user's name.
let name: String
/// The user's age.
var age: Int
let value0: String
let value1: String
let value2: String