This repository takes a set of data from input4mips ( and modification factors from to output netCDF files suitable for use after the pandemic. The modification factors are taken from the Priestly github data, which is assumed to be in a sister folder to this folder, entitled "COVID19_emissions_data". The input netcdf files are assumed to be in the "input" folder.
The files modified are as follows:
- lat/longitude gridded aerosol/precursor emissions by grid location and sector,
- will be modified by country activity levels
- will have extra years interpolated (2019 as pre-intervention interpolation, 2021 as modified by the emissions blip, 2023 as modified by long-term behaviour)
- requires the following files in "input/aerosols": "{}" for {} = BC, CO, NH3, NOx, NMVOC, OC, SO2
- hemispheric and global well-mixed GHG emissions
- will be modified only by global concentration levels
- no interpolated years needed
- requires the files in "input": "mole-fraction-of-{}" for {} = carbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous-oxide.
- lat/long/altitude gridded aviation emissions for NOx.
- will be modified by global flight level
- will have extra years interpolated (2019 as pre-intervention, 2021 as continued emissions blip, 2022 as return to baseline, 2023 as baseline)