This is kind of an evolution of an a midi "XY Pad" but instead of being limited to a puny 2 dimensions you can now work in 3D, controlling up to 6 midi CC values (YPRXYZ) instead of the traditional 2.
Teensy Accelerometer/Gyro 2 Buttons Btn 1 - Change mode (gyro/accel/all) Btn 2 - Send
Yaw, Pitch and Roll are normalized into midi range and each control a different midi CC value.
Acceleration on the X, Y and Z axes each control a different midi CC value.
This is a combination of gyro and accel mode. It will send 6 midi CC values for each variable.
Midi CC values are only sent when the send button is held down. This allows the user to readjust the position of the device without messing up their set values.
This could also be a toggle or could be inverted (where pressing stops the send) but I think "press for send" makes the most sense at least as a default.
When dealing with gyro readings, there are natural limits (180 degrees on each axis). However, when dealing with accelerometer readings there are no natural limits.
Acceleration will require some kind of artificial limit that will also determine the sensitivity. Ideally this value should be user tunable but for a proof of concept I will just try to find a good default (Maybe the average human arm span = 127).
yaw pitch roll worldX worldY worldZ realX realY realZ
// Toggle sends Solo sends Change CC Recalibrate
4 light sensors on corner of grid