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INFO0062 - Object-Oriented Programming

This project is the extention of the programming project I had to make as part of the Object-Oriented Programming course, during the academic year 2019-2020.

Basically, this has become a tool for building block diagrams. (Short explaination here if you are not familiar with this)

Directories containing classes:

./src (




Project structure

I organized my code in three packages, prefixed by be.uliege.straet.oop:

  • filters
  • loader
  • gui

filters contains what is related to filters (O-:).

loader contains the stuff to read-write a CompositeFilter in a xml-like file.

gui contains the classes related to the graphical user interface.

Also, here is for convenience ready to copy-paste commands to compile each of the package, and the src directory content (... ok that one is not that useful):

javac -d bin -cp audio.jar src/be/uliege/straet/oop/filters/*.java
javac -d bin -cp audio.jar:bin src/be/uliege/straet/oop/loader/*.java
javac -d bin -cp audio.jar:bin src/be/uliege/straet/oop/gui/*.java
javac -d bin -cp audio.jar:bin src/*.java
# Or all at once
javac -d bin -cp audio.jar $(find . -name "*.java")

As you can see, the first package has to be built first. The loader package also requires the filters and gui package to be built. This is a bit strange and not convenient but. You could compile all at a time, as a pro with find command.

filter package

This package contains following classes: AdditionFilter, AllPassFilter, CompositeFilter, ConvolutionFilter, DelayFilter, DifferentiatorFilter, FeedbackableFilter, GainFilter, IntegratorFilter, ReverberatorFilter, WFilter, Generator, NoiseGenerator, SineGenerator, SquareCenteredGenerator, SquareUpGenerator, Block, BlockException, ReadDouble, WriteDouble

This set of classes is responsible for the numerical computation of the filtered output. The WFilter interface ("Writeable Filter") describes any type of filter, i.e. any class that implements it is a filter.

All filters are post-fixed by Filter (...). Of course, the CompositeFilter class here, that will be built on other filters, is particularly interesting...

The Generator abstract class defines a specific kind of filter, a filter that takes no inputs but outputs some function of time. Its sub-classes will be post-fixed by Generator (...).

loader package

This package contains following classes: LoaderException, Loader, NodeData, ValueMapper, WriterException, Writer

This set of class is responsible for the reading and writing of any given CompositeFilter to a parsable xml file.

Static method Loader.load(String fileName, HashMap<String, Double> parameters, boolean verbose) is used to load the file at fileName, given a eventual parameter set, verbosely or not. It will return the CompositeFilter represented in that file.

Static method Writer.writeFilter(CompositeFilter cf, String fileName) is used to write the CompositeFilter to the file at fileName.

gui package

This package contains following classes: AudioSequence2, ComputationException, Computer, Coord, DAdditionFilter, DCompositeFilter, DConvolutionFilter, DDelayFilter, DGainFilter, DInputFilter, DOutputFilter, DraggableFilter, Draggable, DVariableDeclaration, FixedBall, FMenuBar, FreeBall, Locatable, NothingFilter, Procedure, RetardatorFocusGiver, Updater, WindowException, Window, Wire, WorkSpace, WorkSpaceXML

This set of class is responsible for the graphical user interface (GUI) of the program, and for the reading and writing of the positions of the filters in files in order to be able to re-open edited filters later.

The coordination is made by the WorkSpace class, that extends JPanel (and implements KeyListener) so that it could be integrated in some other applications (if you want so).

The full description of the GUI and its abilities can be found in the GUI tutorial.

"Unrelated" stuff

Eeeeeh, actually, for another program, I were interested in drawing some arbitrary shapes, but I needed to provide all of its edges, what was exhausting to do by hand. So I just re-used what I did here to do this much more conveniently. The class corresponding to this little "hack" all have some explicit name about this...

François Straet