Built a CRUD web application, which is an e-commerce site where owners can maintain their products (which are Japanese comics called ”Manga”) by using CRUD operations on the products and category of products.
HomePage: Here user can see all the products and navigate to the Details Page of a product.
Registration and Login: Users can register and login according to their role such as customer, admin etc.
Content Management: As an Admin user login, there'll appear a new dropdown in the navigation bar named Content Management where there'll be Category and Product management options.
Category Management: As an Admin, in Category Management page, the user can operate Create, Read, Update, Delete operations.
Product Management: As an Admin, on the Product Management page, the user can operate Create, Read, Update, Delete operations.
User Profile: In the user profile, users can update their username or phone number, change their email, update their password, and download the JSON file of their personal data.