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Rari Components

A component library for Rari Capital's frontend properties.

Slides | Demo


Run npm install git+[tag or commit hash] to install the component library off of GitHub.

Then, import fonts into your app:

import "rari-components/assets/fonts/avenir-next/avenir.css";

and set up the theme:

import theme from "rari-components/theme";

// ...

function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return <ChakraProvider theme={theme}>{/* ... */}</ChakraProvider>;

Note that the rari-components package that is npm installed is not transpiled. To tell Next.js to transpile the code, add or edit the webpack entry in your next.config.js:

// next.config.js

module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, options) => {
    // Transpile files matching `rari-components`, even though it is in
    // `node_modules` (Next excludes `node_modules` by default).
      test: /\.tsx?/,
      include: [/node_modules\/rari-components/],
      use: "next-swc-loader",

    return config;

See for more information about modifying next.config.js.

Finally, use the rari-components in your app:

import { Card } from "rari-components";

Standalone Usage

If you're incrementally adding rari-components to an existing dapp with a different theme already set and you don't want to conflict with it, consider the standalone entry point at rari-components/standalone:

import { Card } from "rari-components/standalone";

In addition to all the rari-components exported in the main entry point, the rari-components/standalone entry point also exports a theme-aware standalone Box:

import { Box as RariBox } from "rari-components/standalone";

const MyComponent = () => (
  // This `Box` will have the correct `cardmatte` color from the theme!
  // Note, however, that all children of this `Box` will also read from the
  // theme exported by this repo.
  <RariBox backgroundColor="cardmatte" />

If you use the rari-components/standalone entry point, you can skip setting up the ChakraProvider with the theme imported from rari-components/theme. However, you should still import the fonts and make changes to your next.config.js as outlined above if the existing dapp doesn't have them already.

The standalone entry point adds extra performance overhead since each standalone component is wrapped with its own ChakraProvider. For best performance, set up the theme and import from the main rari-components entry point as described above.

Adding New Components

To create a new component for rari-components:

  1. Create a directory for the component named ComponentName in the components/ directory.
  2. Write an implementation of the component at components/ComponentName/ComponentName.tsx.
  3. Write Storybook stories for the component at components/ComponentName/ComponentName.stories.tsx.
  4. Export the component from components/index.ts: export { default } from "./Component";, etc.
  5. Start the Storybook development server and test the component's stories: npm run start.
  6. Export the component to package consumers in index.ts and standalone.ts.


Updates Not Reflected in Next.js App

Since we are using commit hashes to version this package rather than package.json versions, Next.js sometimes caches previous versions of the component library between builds.

If you install a new version of rari-components but your Next.js app does not seem to reflect the latest changes, try running rm -rf .next to clear the Next cache and then restart the app.

In production, a manual re-deploy on Vercel should force a build with no cache.

Type Errors

Run npm run typecheck to typecheck components/.