This project is a Spring Boot application that provides resources.
Before running the Spring Boot project, please ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:
Java 17
The source code is written in Java 17, so make sure you have it installed and set up properly on your machine.Maven 3.8+
The project uses Maven to manage dependencies and build the code. You will need to have Maven 3.6 or higher installed on your machine to build the project.Docker
The project is designed to run in Docker containers. You will need to have Docker installed on your machine to create containers of the services described in the docker-compose.yml file.
Please make sure that all of these dependencies are installed and configured correctly before attempting to run the project.
docker network create resource-network
docker-compose up -d
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run -f bootstrap/pom.xml
docker build --no-cache -t resource-service:latest .
docker run -d --env-file .env --name resource-service -p 8081:8081 --network resource-network resource-service
mvn clean test
- To run the unit tests
mvn clean test -Pintegration-test
- To run the integration tests
mvn clean test -Pcomponent-test
- To run the component tests
mvn clean test -Pcontract-test
- To run the contract tests
mvn clean -U
- Clean project files generated and update dependencies
docker-compose down --volumes
- Delete all services related to the project
docker network rm resource-network
- Delete docker network