This package can be used to generate random or custom short urls for urls and store them in a local database. The file is the server that is used to redirect the shortened urls to their corresponding destinations.
Import the Shortner class,
from Shortner.shortner import Shortner
Create an instance of the Shortner,
sh = Shortner()
To simply shorten a URL with a random back-half (default length 4),
url = ''
shortened_url = sh.shorten(url=url)
To manually generate a random back-half with custom size (say 5),
url = ''
bk_hlf = sh.generate_backhalf(len=5)
shortened_url = sh.shorten(url=url, custom_back_half=bk_hlf)
For a custom back-half,
url = ''
bk_hlf = 'abcd'
shortened_url = sh.shorten(url=url, custom_back_half=bk_hlf)
print(shortened_url) # None if the back-half is already taken
The file handles all the requests and redirects the short url to its corresponding destination. The file needs to be run in order for the url to be redirected.
The shortner class provides the user to login with their registered username and password so that the urls they shorten can be stored with a tag (their username) so that they can view/delete their shortened urls. The registered user data gets stored in the 'users' table of 'url_data.db'.
The class has following methods for this,
To register a new user,
def register(self, username: str, password: str):
""" Register a new user in the 'users' table and automatically login
username (str) : The username the user wants
password (str) : Password
True: if user successfully registered
False: if the username if already taken or already logged in
To login an existing user,
def login(self, username: str, password: str):
""" Login an existing user
username (str): The username of the existing user
password (str): Password
True: If logged in successfully
False: If the user does not exists
To remove a user account,
def remove_user(self, username: str, password: str, delete_urls = False):
""" Remove/delete the user account
If delete_urls is set True, delete all of the users urls
username (str): The username to be deleted
password (str): Password
delete_urls (bool) (optional): Whether to delete the users shortened urls
To list all the urls a user(logged in) has shortened,
def list_urls(self):
""" List all the urls shortened by a user (if logged in)
A list of tuples(short_url, long_url) containing all the urls shortened by a user
None: If user not logged in
To delete a shortened url,
def delete_url(self, url: str):
""" Deletes a short url from the database if it exists(requires to be logged in)
url (str): The short url user wants to delete
True: If url deleted successfully, or the short url doesn't exist
False: If the user is not logged in