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firelight.flagboy edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

GameBoy Address Bus

The Gameboy use a 16-bit address bus, so the gameboy is limited to address in the range 0-0xffff (or 0-65535) that 64KiB of mapped data

How the Adress Bus is architectured

The Adress bus is mapped like the following:

Type Lower Bound Upper Bound Description
ROM 0x0000 0x7FFF ROM data area (readonly)
Video RAM 0x8000 0x9FFF
External RAM 0xA000 0xBFFF Optional RAM provided by the Cartridge
RAM 0xC000 0xDFFF Internal RAM provided by the Gameboy
ERAM 0xE000 0xFDFF Echo RAM, mirror of [0xC000-0xDDFF]
OAM RAM 0xFE00 0xFE9F Sprite Attribute Table
0xFEA0 0xFEFF Not Usable
I/O 0xFF00 0xFF7F I/O register
HRAM 0xFF80 0xFFFE High RAM (mean faster acess for GB)
IE 0xFFFF 0xFFFF Interrupt Enable Register

Boot ROM

Boot ROM or BIOS is code that is runned by the Gameboy before the ROM.
The BIOS is first map to 0x0000-0x00ff.
After success this area is taken over by the ROM of the cartridge.


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