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Prolific integration

Dan Brady edited this page May 1, 2024 · 3 revisions

Prolific Integration

This experiment can be integrated with Prolific in two ways:

  1. Recording data sent from Prolific.

  2. Redirecting participants back to Prolific upon completion of the tasks.

Recording data sent from Prolific

If you want to record data sent from Prolific (e.g. Participant ID, Study ID, etc.) it is recommended that you use url parameters to incorporate the data from Prolific into the task data. See this section in the Prolific help documentation for more information about url parameters.

When using url parameters, Prolific sends three url parameters by default: PROLIFIC_PID, STUDY_ID, and SESSION_ID. Generally it is advised to leave these as they are as the task is set up to check for them upon a participant starting the experiment, but if required STUDY_ID and SESSION_ID can be omitted.

If PROLIFIC_PID is omitted (or sent with a different name), then the experiment will ask participants for an ID.

The values Prolific provides will be saved into the data under the headings: prolific_id, study_id, and session_id.

Redirecting participants upon completion

It is possible for participants to be automatically redirected back to Prolific upon completion of the task using a completion code. See this page for more information about complation codes.

As each study receives its own unique completion code you will have to enter it manually in the prolific_config.js file. Ensure that the code is contained in double quotes (e.g. "I2PWSFRG"), and nothing else in the file is changed.

If the completion code is empty (i.e. "") or there is no line for complation code in the prolific_config.js file, then the task will not automatically redirect at the end of the task.


A pop-up may appear when the experiment is redirecting participants back to Prolific. They should click the 'Leave Page' button for the redirection to work. A screen has been added after the experiment has finished informing participants of this. The screen can be switched off by setting the redirectScreen parameter in prolific_config.js to false, and the message displayed can be customised by editing the redirectMessage parameter.