Author: Ryan Govostes
Date: March 14, 2010
In the Spring 2010 semester, RPISEC members hosted the course CSCI 4971 - Secure Software Principles. One of the lab assignments was to reverse engineer and defuse a "binary bomb", strongly inspired by Dave Hollinger's CompOrg Binary Bomb Squad assignment.
In the original lab, each student received a personalized binary. But for 13 years, only a single unexploded binary survived to make its way around the 'net, showing up in other courses such as Texas A&M's CSCE 451 – Software Reverse Engineering.
This repository now hosts the original sources for historical interest. The original code compiles for 32-bit x86, or the modern
branch contains a slightly modified version that compiles on other architectures.
Note: Compile and run the program once. Note the CHECKSUM
value that is printed out. Update the constant in bomb.c:143
and recompile.