- PERLIND, Lucas (s3719954)
- Young, Maximillian (s3769993)
- Sartorel, Michael (s3786267)
- Redha, Ali (s3661626)
- Ilias, Fady (s3787497)
- Github repository : https://github.com/RMIT-SEPT/majorproject-3-thurs-10-30-1
- Notion Workspace : https://www.notion.so/c79dcb46de8049b6acbdd9db5bae7eca?v=688fe6eef50a4cfbab386bca82601e6d
- CircleCi : https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/RMIT-SEPT
- AWS Server :
- Submitted folder contains: design docs, project report, screenshots and uml-style diagrams of our program architecture. It also contains user stories.
Run front end and back end server together.
Find Milestone 3 submission information and QuickStart in docs folder.