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Remove :atom/:atoms in Fock/Spin/FockCoupling/SpinCoupling.
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waltergu committed Aug 26, 2021
1 parent 9b957d2 commit a37da5d
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Showing 4 changed files with 186 additions and 252 deletions.
94 changes: 38 additions & 56 deletions src/Essentials/FockPackage.jl
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Expand Up @@ -82,14 +82,13 @@ Create a Fock id.
The Fock interanl degrees of freedom.
struct Fock{ST} <: Internal{FID{ST}}
function Fock{ST}(atom::Int, norbital::Int, nspin::Int, nnambu::Int) where ST
function Fock{ST}(norbital::Int, nspin::Int, nnambu::Int) where ST
@assert ST(:f, :b) "Fock error: wrong statistics."
@assert nnambu(1, 2) "Fock error: wrong input nnambu($nnambu)."
new{ST}(atom, norbital, nspin, nnambu)
new{ST}(norbital, nspin, nnambu)
@inline Base.Dims(fock::Fock) = (fock.norbital, fock.nspin, fock.nnambu)
Expand All @@ -100,11 +99,11 @@ Base.summary(io::IO, fock::Fock) = @printf io "%s-element Fock{%s}" length(fock)
@inline statistics(::Type{Fock{ST}}) where ST = ST

Fock{ST}(; atom::Int=1, norbital::Int=1, nspin::Int=2, nnambu::Int=2) where ST
Fock{ST}(; norbital::Int=1, nspin::Int=2, nnambu::Int=2) where ST
Construct a Fock degrees of freedom.
@inline Fock{ST}(; atom::Int=1, norbital::Int=1, nspin::Int=2, nnambu::Int=2) where ST = Fock{ST}(atom, norbital, nspin, nnambu)
@inline Fock{ST}(; norbital::Int=1, nspin::Int=2, nnambu::Int=2) where ST = Fock{ST}(norbital, nspin, nnambu)

script(::Val{:site}, index::Index{<:AbstractPID, <:FID}; kwargs...) -> Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,62 +227,57 @@ function permute(id₁::OID{<:Index{<:AbstractPID, FID{:b}}}, id₂::OID{<:Index

FCID{A<:Tuple, N<:Tuple} <: SimpleID
FCID{N<:Tuple} <: SimpleID
The id of the atoms and nambus part of a Fock coupling.
The id of the nambus part of a Fock coupling.
struct FCID{A<:Tuple, N<:Tuple} <: SimpleID
struct FCID{N<:Tuple} <: SimpleID

FockCoupling{V, A<:Tuple, N<:Tuple, O<:Subscripts, S<:Subscripts, I<:Tuple{FCID, SubID, SubID}} <: Coupling{V, I}
FockCoupling{V, N<:Tuple, O<:Subscripts, S<:Subscripts, I<:Tuple{FCID, SubID, SubID}} <: Coupling{V, I}
Fock coupling.
struct FockCoupling{V, A<:Tuple, N<:Tuple, O<:Subscripts, S<:Subscripts, I<:Tuple{FCID, SubID, SubID}} <: Coupling{V, I}
struct FockCoupling{V, N<:Tuple, O<:Subscripts, S<:Subscripts, I<:Tuple{FCID, SubID, SubID}} <: Coupling{V, I}
function FockCoupling(value::Number, atoms::Tuple, nambus::Tuple, orbitals::Subscripts, spins::Subscripts)
@assert length(atoms)==length(nambus)==length(orbitals)==length(spins) "FockCoupling error: dismatched atoms, nambus orbitals and spins."
fcid, obid, spid = FCID(atoms, nambus), SubID(orbitals), SubID(spins)
V, A, N, O, S, I = typeof(value), typeof(atoms), typeof(nambus), typeof(orbitals), typeof(spins),Tuple{typeof(fcid), typeof(obid), typeof(spid)}
new{V, A, N, O, S, I}(value, atoms, nambus, orbitals, spins)
function FockCoupling(value::Number, nambus::Tuple, orbitals::Subscripts, spins::Subscripts)
@assert length(nambus)==length(orbitals)==length(spins) "FockCoupling error: dismatched nambus, orbitals and spins."
fcid, obid, spid = FCID(nambus), SubID(orbitals), SubID(spins)
V, N, O, S, I = typeof(value), typeof(nambus), typeof(orbitals), typeof(spins),Tuple{typeof(fcid), typeof(obid), typeof(spid)}
new{V, N, O, S, I}(value, nambus, orbitals, spins)
@inline parameternames(::Type{<:FockCoupling}) = (:value, :atoms, :nambus, :orbitals, :spins, :id)
@inline isparameterbound(::Type{<:FockCoupling}, ::Val{:atoms}, ::Type{A}) where {A<:Tuple} = !isconcretetype(A)
@inline parameternames(::Type{<:FockCoupling}) = (:value, :nambus, :orbitals, :spins, :id)
@inline isparameterbound(::Type{<:FockCoupling}, ::Val{:nambus}, ::Type{N}) where {N<:Tuple} = !isconcretetype(N)
@inline isparameterbound(::Type{<:FockCoupling}, ::Val{:orbitals}, ::Type{O}) where {O<:Subscripts} = !isconcretetype(O)
@inline isparameterbound(::Type{<:FockCoupling}, ::Val{:spins}, ::Type{S}) where {S<:Subscripts} = !isconcretetype(S)
@inline contentnames(::Type{<:FockCoupling}) = (:value, :id, :orbitals, :spins)
@inline getcontent(fc::FockCoupling, ::Val{:id}) = ID(FCID(fc.atoms, fc.nambus), SubID(fc.orbitals), SubID(fc.spins))
@inline getcontent(fc::FockCoupling, ::Val{:id}) = ID(FCID(fc.nambus), SubID(fc.orbitals), SubID(fc.spins))
@inline function FockCoupling(value::Number, id::Tuple{FCID, SubID, SubID}, orbitals::Subscripts, spins::Subscripts)
FockCoupling(value, id[1].atoms, id[1].nambus, orbitals, spins)
FockCoupling(value, id[1].nambus, orbitals, spins)
@inline rank(::Type{<:FockCoupling{V, A} where V}) where A = fieldcount(A)
@inline rank(::Type{<:FockCoupling{V, N} where V}) where N = fieldcount(N)

atoms::NTuple{N, Union{Int, Symbol}}=ntuple(i->wildcard, Val(N)),
nambus::NTuple{N, Union{Int, Symbol}}=ntuple(i->wildcard, Val(N)),
orbitals::Union{NTuple{N, Int}, Subscripts}=Subscripts(N),
spins::Union{NTuple{N, Int}, Subscripts}=Subscripts(N)
) where N
function FockCoupling{N}(value::Number=1;
atoms::NTuple{N, Union{Int, Symbol}}=ntuple(i->wildcard, Val(N)),
nambus::NTuple{N, Union{Int, Symbol}}=ntuple(i->wildcard, Val(N)),
orbitals::Union{NTuple{N, Int}, Subscripts}=Subscripts(N),
spins::Union{NTuple{N, Int}, Subscripts}=Subscripts(N)
) where N
isa(orbitals, Subscripts) || (orbitals = Subscripts(orbitals))
isa(spins, Subscripts) || (spins = Subscripts(spins))
return FockCoupling(value, atoms, nambus, orbitals, spins)
return FockCoupling(value, nambus, orbitals, spins)

Expand All @@ -293,7 +287,6 @@ Show a Fock coupling.
function, fc::FockCoupling)
@printf io "FockCoupling{%s}(value=%s" rank(fc) decimaltostr(fc.value)
any(fc.atoms .≠ wildcard) && @printf io ", atoms=[%s]" join(fc.atoms, " ")
any(fc.nambus .≠ wildcard) && @printf io ", nambus=[%s]" join(fc.nambus, " ")
any(fc.orbitals .≠ wildcard) && @printf io ", orbitals=%s" string(fc.orbitals)
any(fc.spins .≠ wildcard) && @printf io ", spins=%s" string(fc.spins)
Expand All @@ -307,7 +300,6 @@ Get the repr representation of a Fock coupling.
function Base.repr(fc::FockCoupling)
contents = String[]
any(fc.atoms .≠ wildcard) && push!(contents, @sprintf "sl[%s]" join(fc.atoms, " "))
any(fc.nambus .≠ wildcard) && push!(contents, @sprintf "ph[%s]" join(fc.nambus, " "))
any(fc.orbitals .≠ wildcard) && push!(contents, @sprintf "ob%s" fc.orbitals)
any(fc.spins .≠ wildcard) && push!(contents, @sprintf "sp%s" fc.spins)
Expand All @@ -323,7 +315,7 @@ end
Get the multiplication between two Fock couplings.
@inline function Base.:*(fc₁::FockCoupling, fc₂::FockCoupling)
return FockCoupling(fc₁.value*fc₂.value, (fc₁.atoms..., fc₂.atoms...), (fc₁.nambus..., fc₂.nambus...), fc₁.orbitals*fc₂.orbitals, fc₁.spins*fc₂.spins)
return FockCoupling(fc₁.value*fc₂.value, (fc₁.nambus..., fc₂.nambus...), fc₁.orbitals*fc₂.orbitals, fc₁.spins*fc₂.spins)

Expand All @@ -334,11 +326,10 @@ Get the direct product between two Fock couplings.
function (fc₁::FockCoupling, fc₂::FockCoupling)
@assert rank(fc₁)==rank(fc₂) "⊗ error: dismatched rank."
wildcards = NTuple{rank(fc₁), Symbol}(wildcard for i = 1:rank(fc₁))
atoms = fockcouplingchoicerule(fc₁.atoms, fc₂.atoms, wildcards, :atoms)
nambus = fockcouplingchoicerule(fc₁.nambus, fc₂.nambus, wildcards, :nambus)
orbitals = fockcouplingchoicerule(fc₁.orbitals, fc₂.orbitals, wildcards, :orbitals)
spins = fockcouplingchoicerule(fc₁.spins, fc₂.spins, wildcards, :spins)
return FockCoupling(fc₁.value*fc₂.value, atoms, nambus, orbitals, spins)
return FockCoupling(fc₁.value*fc₂.value, nambus, orbitals, spins)
function fockcouplingchoicerule(v₁, v₂, wildcards::Tuple{Vararg{Symbol}}, field::Symbol)
t₁, t₂ = all(v₁ .== wildcards), all(v₂ .== wildcards)
Expand All @@ -359,7 +350,7 @@ function ⋅(fc₁::FockCoupling, fc₂::FockCoupling)
attrpairs = []
value = fc₁.value * fc₂.value
wildcards = (wildcard, wildcard)
for attrname in (:atoms, :orbitals, :spins, :nambus)
for attrname in (:orbitals, :spins, :nambus)
v₁ = (getproperty(fc₁, attrname)[1], getproperty(fc₁, attrname)[2])
v₂ = (getproperty(fc₂, attrname)[1], getproperty(fc₂, attrname)[2])
if isa(v₁, NTuple{2, Int}) && isa(v₂, NTuple{2, Int})
Expand All @@ -373,17 +364,14 @@ function ⋅(fc₁::FockCoupling, fc₂::FockCoupling)

expand(fc::FockCoupling, bond::AbstractBond, config::Config, info::Val) -> Union{FCExpand, Tuple{}}
expand(fc::FockCoupling, bond::AbstractBond, config::Config, info::Val) -> FCExpand
Expand a Fock coupling with the given bond and the config of the Fock degrees of freedom.
function expand(fc::FockCoupling, bond::AbstractBond, config::Config, info::Val)
points = couplingpoints(fc, bond, info)
focks = couplinginternals(fc, bond, config, info)
@assert rank(fc)==length(points)==length(focks) "expand error: dismatched rank."
for (i, atom) in enumerate(fc.atoms)
isa(atom, Int) && atomfocks[i].atom && return ()
nambus = fockcouplingnambus(fc, NTuple{rank(fc), Int}(focks[i].nnambu for i = 1:rank(fc)), info)
obexpands = collect(expand(fc.orbitals, NTuple{rank(fc), Int}(focks[i].norbital for i = 1:rank(fc))))
spexpands = collect(expand(fc.spins, NTuple{rank(fc), Int}(focks[i].nspin for i = 1:rank(fc))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,11 +412,11 @@ end
return Expr(:tuple, :(fce.value), Expr(:tuple, exprs...))

@inline σᵅname(mode) = mode=="sp" ? :spins : mode=="ob" ? :orbitals : mode=="sl" ? :atoms : mode=="ph" ? :nambus : error("σᵅname error: wrong input mode.")
@inline σᵅname(mode) = mode=="sp" ? :spins : mode=="ob" ? :orbitals : mode=="ph" ? :nambus : error("σᵅname error: wrong input mode.")
σ⁰(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁰, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁰, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σ⁰(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand All @@ -439,7 +427,7 @@ end
σˣ(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σˣ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σˣ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σˣ(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand All @@ -450,7 +438,7 @@ end
σʸ(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σʸ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σʸ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σʸ(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand All @@ -461,7 +449,7 @@ end
σᶻ(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σᶻ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σᶻ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σᶻ(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand All @@ -472,7 +460,7 @@ end
σ⁺(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁺, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁺, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σ⁺(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand All @@ -483,7 +471,7 @@ end
σ⁻(mode::String) -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁻, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁻, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
function σ⁻(mode::String)
attrname = σᵅname(mode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,8 +508,8 @@ end
function fccomponent(str::AbstractString)
attrname = σᵅname(str[1:2])
expr = Meta.parse(str[3:end])
if attrname(:atoms, :nambus)
@assert expr.head(:hcat, :vect) "fccomponent error: wrong input pattern for atoms and nambus."
if attrname==:nambus
@assert expr.head(:hcat, :vect) "fccomponent error: wrong input pattern for nambus."
attrvalue = Tuple(expr.args)
N = length(attrvalue)
Expand All @@ -535,60 +523,54 @@ end
σ⁰"sp" -> Couplings
σ⁰"ob" -> Couplings
σ⁰"sl" -> Couplings
σ⁰"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁰, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁰, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σ⁰_str(mode::String) σ⁰(mode) end

σˣ"sp" -> Couplings
σˣ"ob" -> Couplings
σˣ"sl" -> Couplings
σˣ"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σˣ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σˣ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σˣ_str(mode::String) σˣ(mode) end

σʸ"sp" -> Couplings
σʸ"ob" -> Couplings
σʸ"sl" -> Couplings
σʸ"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σʸ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σʸ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σʸ_str(mode::String) σʸ(mode) end

σᶻ"sp" -> Couplings
σᶻ"ob" -> Couplings
σᶻ"sl" -> Couplings
σᶻ"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σᶻ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σᶻ, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σᶻ_str(mode::String) σᶻ(mode) end

σ⁺"sp" -> Couplings
σ⁺"ob" -> Couplings
σ⁺"sl" -> Couplings
σ⁺"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁺, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁺, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σ⁺_str(mode::String) σ⁺(mode) end

σ⁻"sp" -> Couplings
σ⁻"ob" -> Couplings
σ⁻"sl" -> Couplings
σ⁻"ph" -> Couplings
The Pauli matrix σ⁻, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob"), sublattices("sl") or particle-holes("ph").
The Pauli matrix σ⁻, which can act on the space of spins("sp"), orbitals("ob") or particle-holes("ph").
macro σ⁻_str(mode::String) σ⁻(mode) end

Expand Down

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