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Releases: QQxiaoming/quardCRT


27 Sep 05:59
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Change Log

  • Automatically use the default configuration if the Profile does not exist on Windows
  • Add ToolTip to the connection bar
  • Add system beep support
  • Add record script feature
  • Add recently loaded script feature
  • Add disable plugin command line option
  • Add reconfirm when closing the floating window
  • Improve the default path of recording logs, etc. to the last saved path
  • Improve the appearance of the session tabs
  • Fix the small probability memory leak problem
  • Update pre-built plugin ListSerial to V0.0.5


  • Windows下Profile如果不存在则自动使用默认配置
  • 增加连接条ToolTip显示
  • 增加系统响铃支持
  • 增加记录脚本功能
  • 增加最近加载的脚本功能
  • 增加禁用插件命令行选项
  • 增加浮动窗口关闭时二次确认
  • 改进记录日志等默认路径为上次保存路径
  • 改进会话标签外观
  • 修复可能存在的小概率内存泄漏问题
  • 更新预构建插件ListSerial到V0.0.5版本

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25 Aug 11:19
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Change Log

  • Add Python scripting engine for scripting feature #31
  • Add the feature of selecting end-of-line sequence
  • Add status bar log information, SSH ciphers information
  • Add emphasized color border to the activated session in split screen mode
  • Add custom color feature to the highlight
  • Allow editing the text to be pasted when confirming multiple lines of paste
  • Allow the tab title to display a custom session name
  • Add custom Local Shell Profile path feature for Windows
  • Fix the issue that clicking the new tab button in split screen mode may not create the session correctly or be located under the wrong tab group
  • Fix the issue that the SSH connection cannot be reconnected by tapping the Enter key in some cases
  • Fix the issue that the target session object is inaccurate when locking/unlocking the session
  • Fix the issue that some functions in the context menu of the floating window cannot be used
  • Fix the issue of inconsistent new session names in different situations #45
  • Update pre-built plugin timestamp to V0.0.3


  • 为脚本功能添加Python脚本引擎 #31
  • 增加选择行尾序列功能
  • 增加状态栏日志信息,SSH加密算法信息
  • 分屏模式下激活的会话增加强调色边框
  • 高亮功能增加自定义颜色功能
  • 多行粘贴确认时允许编辑待粘贴文本
  • 标签栏标题允许显示自定义会话名称
  • Windows增加自定义Local Shell Profile路径功能
  • 修复分屏模式下某些情况点击新标签按钮会话未正确创建或位于错误的标签页组下
  • 修复ssh连接部分情况下无法通过敲击回车键发起重连的问题
  • 修复锁定/解锁会话时目标会话对象不准确
  • 修复浮动窗口上下文菜单中部分功能无法使用的问题
  • 修复不同情况下新建会话名称不一致问题 #45
  • 更新预构建插件timestamp到V0.0.3版本,更新预构建插件CharacterCode到V0.0.4版本

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25 Jul 13:09
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Change Log

  • Add echo feature
  • Fix the problem that some session types cannot reconnect
  • Add the feature that the session in a non-connected state can automatically reconnect by clicking the Enter key
  • Add the feature that the serial port automatically detects the physical connection disconnection
  • Add a refresh serial port button in the serial port selection page
  • Add up to four window split screen mode and multiple layout modes
  • Add single/group/all session three modes in the send command window
  • Add the plugin information page to display the plugin website
  • Add notification center
  • Add internal command window
  • Improve the context menu of URL recognition links
  • Improve the find window to automatically fill in the currently selected text each time it is opened
  • Improve status bar
  • Fix the Telnet session storage configuration error in non-English environments, which causes connection problems #IAADHZ
  • Add pre-built plugins timestamp, and update pre-built plugin ListSerial to V0.0.3, update pre-built plugin CharacterCode to V0.0.4 version


  • 增加回显功能
  • 修复部分会话类型无法重连问题
  • 增加非连接状态下的会话可以通过单击回车键自动重连功能
  • 增加串口自动检测物理连接断开功能
  • 增加刷新串口按钮在选择串口页面中
  • 增加了至多四窗口分屏模式以及多种布局模式
  • 发送命令窗口增加单会话/组会话/全部会话三种模式
  • 插件信息页面增加插件网站主页显示
  • 增加通知中心
  • 增加内部命令窗口
  • 改进URL识别链接的上下文菜单
  • 改进查找窗口在每次打开时自动填入当前选择的文本
  • 改进状态栏
  • 修复非英文环境下Telnet会话存储配置错误导致无法连接问题 #IAADHZ
  • 新增预构建插件timestamp,更新预构建插件ListSerial到V0.0.3版本,更新预构建插件CharacterCode到V0.0.4版本

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26 Jun 00:21
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Change Log

  • Add broadcast session feature #36
  • Add label tag color feature
  • Add block selection (Shift+click) and column selection (Alt+Shift+click) feature
  • Add user-defined cursor color setting
  • Add tooltip for optional items in settings
  • Add advanced options to set the default startup shell for local terminal (default to $SHELL on Linux/MacOS, and default to the system built-in powershell on Windows, this function is only used to adjust the PowerShell version on Windows, not to start other shells, other shells please use LocalShell session to set specific commands)
  • Fix the crash problem caused by modifying the configuration of the currently running session
  • Fix the problem of incorrect pop-up position of the context menu in the case of multiple screens
  • Modify to switch to the tab when right-clicking on a non-current tab
  • Fix the cursor alignment error in the local shell on the windows msvc version, need to disable resizeQuirk #39
  • Fix the invalid problem of confirming multiple lines of text paste, and allow users to set enable/disable by themselves
  • Fix the problem of automatically trimming empty lines in the pasted content of text, and allow users to set enable/disable by themselves
  • Fix the unstable SSH initialization terminal size problem #40
  • Fix the probability crash problem after the SSH remote actively ends
  • Fix font display abnormalities when restoring font settings to built-in fonts
  • Fix the abnormal window position problem caused by window movement/resize operations on Linux with multiple screens
  • Add pre-built plugins TextStatistics, and update pre-built plugin CharacterCode to V0.0.3


  • 增加广播会话功能 #36
  • 增加标签标记颜色功能
  • 增加块选择(Shift+click)和列选择(Alt+Shift+click)功能
  • 增加用户自定义光标颜色设置
  • 增加设置中可选项的工具提示
  • 增加高级选项可以设置默认启动本地终端使用的Shell(Linux/MacOS下默认为$SHELL,Windows下默认为系统内置powershell,Windows下此功能仅用于调整PowerShell版本,而非启动其他Shell,其他Shell请使用本地Shell会话设定特定命令启动)
  • 修复修改当前正在运行中的会话配置导致的崩溃问题
  • 修复多屏幕的情况下,上下文菜单弹出位置错误问题
  • 修改右击非当前标签页时,切换到该标签页
  • 修复在windows msvc版本local shell光标对齐错误问题,需要禁用resizeQuirk #39
  • 修复多行文本粘贴确认无效问题,并允许用户自行设置启用/禁用
  • 修复自动修剪文本粘贴内容中的空行问题,并允许用户自行设置启用/禁用
  • 修复不稳定的SSH初始化终端大小问题 #40
  • 修复SSH远端主动结束后,概率崩溃问题
  • 修复恢复字体设置到内建字体时,字体显示异常
  • 修复在Linux上使用多屏幕时,窗口移动/大小调整等操作导致的窗口位置异常问题
  • 新增集成预构建插件TextStatistics,更新预构建插件CharacterCode到V0.0.3版本

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26 May 01:04
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Change Log

  • Add setting main window theme color feature
  • Add status bar display session information feature
  • Add WSL terminal toolbar button on Windows
  • Add user-defined plugin loading path setting
  • Fix the issue that the working directory is not correctly cloned when cloning the tab in some shell environments
  • Fix the issue that the modification is saved when canceling the modification in the keyboard binding settings
  • Fix the issue that the confirmation dialog cannot select cancel when closing all tabs
  • Fix the issue that the session manager switches the current selected session incorrectly after modifying the session properties
  • Fix the issue that the new session may be created on the hidden tab group
  • Add pre-built plugins CharacterCode, ListSerial, and update pre-built plugin SearchOnWeb to V0.0.4


  • 增加设置主界面主题色功能
  • 增加状态栏显示会话信息功能
  • 在Windows增加启动WSL终端工具栏按钮
  • 增加用户自定义插件加载路径设置
  • 修复某些shell环境下克隆标签时工作目录未能正确克隆的问题
  • 修复键盘绑定设置中取消修改时也会保存的问题
  • 修复关闭全部标签页时确认对话框无法选择取消的问题
  • 修复会话管理器中修改会话属性后会话管理器内当前选中会话被错误切换问题
  • 修复新会话可能创建在被隐藏的标签页组上的问题
  • 新增集成预构建插件CharacterCodeListSerial,更新预构建插件SearchOnWeb到V0.0.4版本

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25 Apr 14:55
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Change Log

  • Modify the terminal to select the text after the text is emphasized with a transparency of 50%, rather than the original 100%
  • Fix the issue of abnormal width of rendering symbols '×' '÷' and '‖'
  • Fix the issue of program crash in a small probability situation
  • Fix cursor positioning issues #I8RB90
  • Remove the dependency on core5compat in Qt (Refer to the pr upstream of qtermwidget, but with modifications).
  • Prohibit to look up the historical information with the middle mouse scrolling (Refer to the pr upstream of qtermwidget, but with modifications).
  • Fix rendering issue with abnormal width of some symbols
  • Add ANSI OSC52 sequence support
  • Fix the issue that disconnecting the session will directly close the tab instead of disconnecting the session
  • Fix the issue that some UI in the quick connection window does not refresh when switching languages
  • Improve the session manager page width can be freely adjusted
  • The version built with MSVC on Windows uses ConPty instead of WinPty, and the version built with Mingw continues to use WinPty
  • Improve the behavior of selecting CJK characters when double-clicking
  • Improve the display of the input method pre-edit area
  • Add terminal color scheme color palette feature setting
  • Add the feature of switching terminal color scheme automatically when switching themes
  • Add confirmation dialog when deleting a session
  • Fix the issue that the context menu is too long to display completely and difficult to operate
  • Fix the display abnormality caused by some theme switching on Windows


  • 修改终端选中后文本强调色透明度50%,而非原本的100%
  • 修复渲染符号'×' '÷' '‖'宽度异常问题
  • 修复存在一小概率情况下程序崩溃的问题
  • 修复光标定位问题 #I8RB90
  • 删除对Qt中core5compat的依赖(参考qtermwidget上游pr,但有修改)
  • 禁止使用中键滚动查看历史信息(参考qtermwidget上游pr,但有修改)
  • 修复渲染某些符号宽度异常问题
  • 增加 ANSI OSC52 sequence 支持
  • 修复断开会话会直接关闭标签而不是断开会话的问题
  • 修复切换语言时快速连接窗口部分UI未能刷新问题
  • 改进会话管理器页面宽度可自由调整
  • Windows下通过MSVC构建的版本采用ConPty代替WinPty,Mingw构建版本继续使用WinPty
  • 改进双击选中CJK字符时的表现
  • 改进输入法预编辑区域的显示表现
  • 增加终端配色方案调色板设置功能
  • 增加切换主题时自动切换终端配色方案功能
  • 增加删除会话时的确认对话框
  • 修复上下文菜单过长时显示不全难以操作的问题
  • 修复windows下的一些主题切换引起的显示异常问题

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25 Mar 11:15
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Change Log

  • Add ascii send/receive, Kermit send/receive, xyzmodem send/receive functions
  • Fix the problem that the status indicated by the start tftp menu item may be incorrect
  • Fix the problem that the program crashes when the terminal displays Unicode characters beyond the first plane
  • Fix the problem that the terminal area rendering does not refresh after drag the window to the screen edge to trigger the window size adjustment on linux


  • 增加ascii发送/接收、Kermit发送/接收、xyzmodem发送/接收功能
  • 修复启动tftp菜单项指示的状态可能出现错误问题
  • 修复终端显示超过第一平面的Unicode字符时程序崩溃的问题
  • 修复linux上拖拽窗口到屏幕边缘触发窗口大小调整后终端界面渲染不刷新的问题

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26 Feb 04:03
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Change Log

  • Add a tooltip to the terminal link, and modify the mouse shape to the corresponding shape after pressing ctrl
  • Modify the default LC_CTYPE configuration to UTF-8 on macos, and do not make default configuration on other platforms. You can modify whether to make configuration through the setting file
  • Fix the problem that the pre-built version on macos missed part of the packaged translation files
  • Fix the problem that the terminal area rendering is not refreshed in time when the window is maximized on linux
  • The plugin system completes multi-language support
  • Partial UI details beautification
  • Add a new help document
  • Add German/Portuguese (Brazil)/Czech/Arabic support


  • 终端链接增加tooltip,以及按下ctrl后鼠标形状修改对应形状
  • 修改macos上默认LC_CTYPE配置为UTF-8,其他平台不做默认配置,可通过setting文件修改是否做配置
  • 修复macos上预编译的版本遗漏打包部份翻译文件问题
  • 修复linux上最大化窗口终端界面渲染未及时刷新问题
  • 插件系统完成多语言支持
  • 部分UI细节美化
  • 新增一个新的帮助文档界面
  • 增加德语/葡萄牙语(巴西)/捷克语/阿拉伯语支持

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28 Jan 09:49
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  • 全屏模式下增加ESC退出全屏功能
  • 插件平台支持动态启用/禁用插件功能
  • 优化解决软件启动后固定占用CPU负载问题
  • 优化windows下本地终端上下搜索历史命令时光标位置错误问题
  • 修复tftpsever可能的错误ack处理问题
  • 修复macos下全屏导致程序崩溃问题
  • 修复macos native UI模式下标题按钮没有切换为macos风格问题
  • 修复macos通过native UI样式标题按钮全屏后,无法显示界面上上下文菜单中退出全屏选项问题
  • 预构建版本增加对于插件生态平台的预构建插件的打包

git commit

  • release:v0.4.2
  • Optimize local terminal history search cursor position on Windows
  • Fix the issue that the plug-in is not correctly integrated in windows ci
  • Update plugininterface to version 2
  • Fix TFTP block numbering issue
  • Add dynamic enable/disable plugin support
  • Add script to download plugins and update workflows
  • Fix issue with fullscreen display in macOS native UI style
  • Fix macOS native UI mode caption button style issue
  • Merge pull request #25 from QQxiaoming/imgbot
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images
  • Add BUILD_DATE_TAG variable to about page
  • Fix fullscreen crash issue on macOS
  • Add QQueue, QMutexLocker, and QWaitCondition to SftpTransferThread
  • Update build_setup.bat and build_setup_msvc.bat to use xcopy with addi…
  • ci:Update artifact paths for AppImage, DMG, and Windows setup
  • src:Update language files
  • src:Add ESC shortcut to exit full screen.
  • src:Update QGoodWindow version to 2.4.2
  • Add macOS ARM64 build workflow
  • Merge pull request #24 from QQxiaoming/dependabot/github_actions/actio…
  • build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0

完整的更新日志: V0.4.1...V0.4.2

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13 Jan 14:40
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  • 增加会话管理器中在新窗口打开会话功能
  • 增加设置标签页加号按钮位模式可选为 新建会话/克隆会话/本地Shell会话 三种方式
  • 增加会话管理器中过滤功能
  • 修复在拖拽标签时预览窗口存在导致的窗口闪烁问题
  • 预编译二进制文件提供AppImage格式 #I8EVJR

git commit

  • release:v0.4.1
  • Merge commit '5fd6995ea0493f4265080b7e94adba92530bef6a' into main
  • src:update NewTabMode
  • src:update doc
  • doc:update image for english in readme
  • src:Remove environment LC_CTYPE and LANG variables
  • src:Remove LC_ALL environment variable in UnixPtyProcess::startProcess()
  • doc:Add support for additional languages in README files
  • src:Add session filter functionality
  • src:Add file and update linux.yml, macos.yml, and windows.yml
  • Merge pull request #20 from QQxiaoming/imgbot
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images
  • Update MessagesFile paths in build_setup.iss
  • Added support for additional languages in the setup wizard
  • lang:update translate file
  • ci:add build AppImage script
  • src:Add session opening functionality in new window
  • Add for analyzing code lines, comments, and blanks
  • srcc:Fix disconnect and reconnect functionality in SessionsWindow
  • src:Add new tab mode option and handle tab add request accordingly
  • src:update plugininfowindow.cpp to open the plugin directory
  • doc:update doc
  • doc:update doc
  • src:Fix tab preview window flickering issue during tab dragging
  • doc:fix README
  • doc:update doc

完整的更新日志: V0.4.0...V0.4.1

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