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Keyword Reference Alphabetical
PauloAstro edited this page Nov 26, 2022
24 revisions
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
_A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | _G | _H | _I | _J | _K | _L | _M |
_N | _O | _P | _Q | _R | _S | _T | _U | _V | _W | _X | _Y | _Z |
_glA | _glB | _glC | _glD | _glE | _glF | _glG | _glH | _glI | _glJ | _glK | _glL | _glM |
_glN | _glO | _glP | _glQ. | _glR | _glS | _glT | _glU. | _glV | _glW. | _glX. | _glY. | _glZ. |
These QBasic keywords (with a few noted exceptions) will work in all versions of QB64.
- ABS (function) converts any negative numerical value to a positive value.
- CALL ABSOLUTE (statement) is used to access computer interrupt registers.
- ACCESS (file statement) sets the read and write access of a file when opened.
- ALIAS (QB64 DECLARE LIBRARY statement) denotes the actual name of an imported FUNCTION or SUB procedure.
- AND (logical operator) is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
- AND (boolean) conditional operator is used to include another evaluation in an IF...THEN or Boolean statement.
- APPEND (file mode) creates a new file or allows an existing file to have data added using WRITE (file statement) or PRINT (file statement)
- AS is used to denote a variable type or file number.
- ASC (function) returns the ASCII code number of a text STRING character.
- ASC (statement) (QB64 only) sets the code value of an ASCII text character at a designated STRING position.
- ATN (function) or arctangent returns the angle in radians of a numerical TAN value.
- BEEP (statement) creates an error sound of a fixed duration.
- BINARY (file mode) creates or opens an existing file for GET and PUT byte-wise access.
- BLOAD (statement) transfers the contents of a BINARY BSAVE file to a specific Arrays.
- BSAVE (statement) transfers the contents of an Arrays to a specified size BINARY file.
- BYVAL (statement) assigns a numerical variable value by its value, not the name.
- CALL (statement) optional statement that sends the program to a SUB procedure. Requires parameters be enclosed in brackets(parenthesis).
- CALL ABSOLUTE (statement) is used to access computer interrupt registers.
- CASE (SELECT CASE condition) designates specific conditions in a SELECT CASE statement block.
- CASE ELSE (SELECT CASE condition) designates an alternative condition to be evaluated in a SELECT CASE statement block.
- CASE IS (SELECT CASE condition) designates specific conditions in a SELECT CASE statement block.
- CDBL (function) returns the closest DOUBLE value of a number.
- CHAIN (statement) sends a program to another specified program module or compiled program.
- CHDIR (statement) changes the current program path for file access.
- CHR$ (function) returns a text STRING character by the specified ASCII code number.
- CINT (function) returns the closest INTEGER value of a numerical value.
- CIRCLE (statement) creates a circle, ellipse or arc at a designated graphical coordinate position.
- CLEAR (statement) sets all variable and array values to zero number values or empty STRINGs.
- CLNG (function) returns the closest LONG value of a numerical value.
- CLOSE (statement) closes specific file number(s) or all files when a number is not specified.
- CLS (statement) clears a program SCREEN, VIEW port or WINDOW.
- COLOR (statement) sets the current text foreground and/or background color to be used.
- COMMAND$ (function) returns the command line arguments passed when a program is run.
- COMMON (statement) sets a variable name as shared by CHAINed program modules.
- CONST (statement) sets a variable name and its value as a constant value to be used by all procedures.
- COS (function) returns the cosine of a radian angle value.
- CSNG (function) returns the closest SINGLE value of a numerical value.
- CSRLIN (function) returns the present PRINT cursor text row SCREEN coordinate position.
- CVD (function) returns the DOUBLE numerical value of an 8 byte MKD$ STRING.
- CVDMBF (function) returns the DOUBLE numerical value of a MKDMBF$ STRING.
- CVI (function) returns the INTEGER numerical value of a 2 byte MKI$ STRING.
- CVL (function) returns the LONG numerical value of a 4 byte MKL$ STRING.
- CVS (function) returns the SINGLE numerical value of a 4 byte MKS$ STRING.
- CVSMBF (function) returns the SINGLE numerical value of a MKSMBF$ STRING.
- DATA (statement) creates a line of fixed program information separated by commas.
- DATE$ (function) returns the present Operating System date STRING formatted as mm-dd-yyyy.
- DATE$ (statement) sets the date of the Operating System using a mm-dd-yyyy STRING format.
- DECLARE SUB/FUNCTION (BASIC statement) declares a SUB or FUNCTION procedure at the start of a program. Not required in QB64.
- DECLARE LIBRARY declares a C++, SDL or Operating System SUB or FUNCTION to be used.
- DEF SEG (statement) defines a segment in memory to be accessed by a memory procedure.
- DEFDBL (statement) defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as DOUBLE type numerical values.
- DEFINT (statement) defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as INTEGER type numerical values.
- DEFLNG (statement) defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as LONG type numerical values.
- DEFSNG (statement) defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as SINGLE type numerical values.
- DEFSTR (statement) defines a set of undefined variable name starting letters as STRING type values.
- DIM (statement) defines a variable as a specified type and can size a STATIC array.
- DO...LOOP (statement) sets a recursive procedure loop that can be ignored or exited using conditional arguments.
- DOUBLE (numerical type #) 8 byte value limited to values up to 15 decimal places.
- DRAW (statement) uses a special STRING format that draws graphical lines in specific directions.
- $DYNAMIC (Metacommand) used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as changeable in size using REDIM.
- ELSE (IF...THEN statement) is used to direct program flow when no other condition is evaluated as true.
- ELSEIF (IF...THEN statement) is used with THEN to set alternate conditional evaluations.
- END (statement) sets the end of a program, sub-procedure, statement block, DECLARE LIBRARY or TYPE definition.
- IF...THEN (statement) ENDs an IF...THEN conditional block statement using more than one line of code.
- ENVIRON (statement) temporarily sets an environmental key/pair value.
- ENVIRON$ (function) returns a specified string setting or numerical position as an environmental STRING value.
- EOF (file function) returns -1 when a file INPUT (file statement) or GET has reached the end of a file.
- EQV (logic operator) is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
- ERASE (statement) clears the values from $STATIC arrays and completely removes $DYNAMIC arrays.
- ERDEV (function) returns an error code from the last device to create an error.
- ERDEV$ (function) returns the 8 character name of the last device to declare an error as a STRING.
- ERL (error function) returns the closest line number before an error occurred if line numbers are used.
- ERR (function) returns the ERROR Codes when a program error occurs.
- ERROR (statement) sets a specific ERROR Code to be simulated.
- EVERYCASE Used on SELECT CASE statement.
- EXIT (statement) immediately exits a program FOR...NEXT, DO...LOOP, SUB or FUNCTION procedure.
- EXP (function) returns the value of e to the exponential power specified.
- FIELD (statement) defines the variable sizes to be written or read from a file.
- FILEATTR (function) returns the current file access mode.
- FILES (statement) returns a list of files in the current directory path to the SCREEN.
- FIX (function) returns the rounded INTEGER value of a numerical value.
- FOR...NEXT (statement) creates a recursive loop procedure that loop a specified number of times.
- FOR (file statement) used in an OPEN file or device statement to indicate the access mode.
- FRE (function) returns the number of bytes of Memory available to running programs.
- FREE (QB64 TIMER statement) frees a numbered TIMER event in QB64.
- FREEFILE (file function) returns a file number that is currently not in use by the Operating System.
- FUNCTION (procedure block) sub-procedure that can calculate and return one value to a program in its name.
- GET (file statement) reads a file sequentially or at a specific position and returns the value as the variable type used.
- GET (TCP/IP statement) reads a connection port to return a value.
- GET (graphics statement) maps an area the current SCREEN video information and places it in an INTEGER arrays.
- GOSUB (statement) sends the program to a designated line label procedure in the main program.
- GOTO (statement) sends the program to a designated line number or line label in a procedure.
- HEX$ (function) returns the hexadecimal (base 16) STRING representation of the INTEGER part of any value.
- IF...THEN (statement) a conditional block statement used control program flow.
- IMP (logic operator) is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
- $INCLUDE (Metacommand) designates a text code library file to include with the program.
- INKEY$ (function) ASCII returns a STRING value entry from the keyboard.
- INP (function) returns a numerical value from a specified port register address. See Keyboard scancodes
- INPUT (statement) a user input that returns a value to one or more specified variable(s).
- INPUT (file mode) OPEN statement that only allows an existing file to be read using INPUT (file statement) or INPUT$.
- INPUT (file statement) reads a file sequentially using the variable types designated.
- INPUT$ (function) returns a designated number of STRING bytes from the keyboard entry or a file number.
- INSTR (function) returns the position in a text STRING where a character sequence match starts.
- INT (function) rounds a numerical value to an INTEGER value by removing the decimal point fraction.
- INTEGER (% numerical type) 2 byte whole values from -32768 to 32767.
- INTERRUPT (statement) is used to access computer interrupt registers.
- INTERRUPTX (statement) is used to access computer interrupt registers.
- IOCTL (statement)
- IOCTL$ (function)
- KEY n (statement) used with ON KEY(n) events to assign a "soft key" string to a key or create a user defined key.
- KEY(n) (statement) used with ON KEY(n) events to assign, enable, disable or suspend event trapping.
- KEY LIST (statement) lists the 12 Function key soft key string assignments going down left side of screen.
- KILL (statement) deletes the specified file without a warning. Remove empty folders with RMDIR.
- LBOUND (function) returns the lower boundary of the specified array.
- LCASE$ (function) returns the lower case value of a STRING.
- LEFT$ (function) returns the specified number of text characters from the left end of a STRING.
- LEN (function) returns the length or number of characters in a STRING value in bytes.
- LET (statement) assigns a variable a literal value. Not required.
- LINE (statement) creates a graphic line or box on the SCREEN.
- LINE INPUT (statement) user input can be any text character including commas and quotes as a STRING value only.
- LINE INPUT (file statement) returns an entire text file line and returns it as a STRING value.
- KEY LIST displays the current ON KEY(n) function key (F1 to F10) "soft key" settings.
- LOC (function) returns the present file byte position or number of bytes in the OPEN COM buffer.
- LOCATE (statement) sets the text cursor's row and column position for a PRINT or INPUT statement.
- LOCK (statement) restricts access to portions or all of a file by other programs or processes.
- LOF (function) returns the size of an OPEN file in bytes.
- LOG (function) returns the natural logarithm of a specified numerical value
- LONG (& numerical type) 4 byte whole values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
- DO...LOOP (block statement) bottom end of a recursive DO loop.
- LPOS (function) returns the printer head position.
- LPRINT (statement) sends STRING data to the default LPT or USB printer.
- LPRINT USING (statement) sends template formatted text to the default LPT or USB printer.
- LSET (statement) left justifies the text in a string so that there are no leading spaces.
- LTRIM$ (function) returns a STRING value with no leading spaces.
- MID$ (function) returns a designated portion of a STRING.
- MID$ (statement) redefines existing characters in a STRING.
- MKD$ (function) returns an 8 byte ASCII STRING representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
- MKDIR (statement) creates a new folder in the current or designated program path.
- MKDMBF$ (function) returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format STRING representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
- MKI$ (function) returns a 2 byte ASCII STRING representation of an INTEGER.
- MKL$ (function) returns a 4 byte ASCII STRING representation of a LONG numerical value.
- MKS$ (function) returns a 4 byte ASCII STRING representation of a SINGLE numerical value.
- MKSMBF$ (function) returns an 8 byte Microsoft Binary Format STRING representation of a DOUBLE numerical value.
- MOD (math operator) performs integer remainder division on a numerical value.
- NAME (statement) names an existing file name AS a new file name.
- NEXT (statement) bottom end of a FOR...NEXT counter loop to returns to the start or a RESUME error.
- NOT (logical operator) inverts the value of a logic operation or returns True when a boolean evaluation is False.
- OCT$ (function) returns the octal (base 8) STRING representation of the INTEGER part of any value.
- OFF (event statement) turns off all ON event checking.
- ON COM(n) (statement) sets up a COM port event procedure call.
- ON ERROR (statement) sets up and activates an error event checking procedure call. Use to avoid program errors.
- ON KEY(n) (statement) sets up a keyboard key entry event procedure.
- ON PEN (statement) sets up a pen event procedure call.
- ON PLAY(n) (statement) sets up a PLAY event procedure call.
- ON STRIG(n) (statement) sets up a joystick button event procedure call.
- ON TIMER(n) (statement) sets up a timed event procedure call.
- ON UEVENT (statement) Not implemented in QB64.
- ON...GOSUB (statement) sets up a numerical event procedure call.
- ON...GOTO (statement) sets up a numerical event procedure call.
- OPEN (file statement) opens a file name for an access mode with a specific file number.
- OPEN COM (statement) opens a serial communication port for access at a certain speed and mode.
- OPTION BASE (statement) can set the lower boundary of all arrays to 1.
- OR (logic operator) is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
- OR (boolean) conditional operator is used to include an alternative evaluation in an IF...THEN or Boolean statement.
- OUT (statement) writes numerical data to a specified register port.
- OUTPUT (file mode) creates a new file or clears all data from an existing file to access the file sequentially.
- PAINT (statement) fills an enclosed area of a graphics SCREEN with a color until it encounters a specific colored border.
- PALETTE (statement) sets the Red, Green and Blue color attribute intensities using a RGB multiplier calculation.
- PALETTE USING (statement) sets the color intensity settings using a designated arrays.
- PCOPY (statement) swaps two designated memory page images when page swapping is enabled in the SCREEN statement.
- PEEK (function) returns a numerical value from a specified segment address in memory.
- PEN (function) returns requested information about the light pen device used.
- PEN (statement) enables/disables or suspends event trapping of a light pen device.
- PLAY(n) (function) returns the number of notes currently in the background music queue.
- PLAY (statement) uses a special STRING format that can produce musical tones and effects.
- PMAP (function) returns the physical or WINDOW view graphic coordinates.
- POINT (function) returns the color attribute number or 32 bit _RGB32 value.
- POKE (statement) writes a numerical value to a specified segment address in memory.
- POS (function) returns the current text column position of the text cursor.
- PRESET (statement) sets a pixel coordinate to the background color unless one is specified.
- PRINT (statement) prints text STRING or numerical values to the SCREEN.
- PRINT (file statement) prints text STRING or numerical values to a file.
- PRINT USING (statement) prints a template formatted STRING to the SCREEN.
- PRINT USING (file statement) prints a template formatted STRING to a file.
- PSET (statement) sets a pixel coordinate to the current color unless a color is designated.
- PUT (file I/O statement) writes data sequentially or to a designated position using a variable value.
- PUT (TCP/IP statement) sends raw data to a user's connection handle.
- PUT (graphics statement) places pixel data stored in an INTEGER array to a specified area of the SCREEN.
- RANDOM (file mode) creates a file or opens an existing file to GET and PUT records of a set byte size.
- RANDOMIZE (statement) sets the random seed value for a specific sequence of random RND values.
- RANDOMIZE restarts the designated seed value's random sequence of values from the beginning.
- READ (statement) reads values from a DATA field. ACCESS READ is used with the OPEN statement.
- REDIM (statement) creates a new $DYNAMIC array or resizes one without losing data when _PRESERVE is used.
- REM (statement) or an apostrophe tells the program to ignore statements following it on the same line.
- RESET (statement) closes all files and writes the directory information to a diskette before it is removed from a disk drive.
- RESTORE (statement) resets the DATA pointer to the start of a designated field of data.
- RESUME (statement) an ERROR Codes handling procedure exit that can send the program to a line number or the NEXT code line.
- RETURN (statement) returns the program to the code immediately following a GOSUB call.
- RIGHT$ (function) returns a specific number of text characters from the right end of a STRING.
- RMDIR (statement) removes an empty folder from the current path or the one designated.
- RND (function) returns a random number value from 0 to .9999999.
- RSET (statement) right justifies a string value so that any end spaces are moved to the beginning.
- RTRIM$ (function) returns a STRING with all spaces removed from the right end.
- RUN (statement) clears and restarts the program currently in memory or executes another specified program.
- SADD (function) returns the address of a STRING variable as an offset from the current data segment.
- SCREEN (function) can return the ASCII character code or color of the text at a text designated coordinate.
- SCREEN (statement) sets the display mode and size of the program window.
- SEEK (function) returns the present byte position in an OPEN file.
- SEEK (statement) moves to a specified position in an OPEN file.
- SELECT CASE (statement) a program flow block that can handle numerous conditional evaluations.
- SETMEM (function) sets the memory to use.
- SGN (function) returns -1 for negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive numerical values.
- SHARED (statement) designates that a variable can be used by other procedures or the main procedure when in a sub-procedure.
- SHELL (statement) sends STRING commands to the command line. SHELL calls will not affect the current path.
- SHELL (function) executes an external command or calls another program. Returns codes sent by END or SYSTEM.
- SIGNAL (OS 2 event)
- SIN (function) returns the sine of a radian angle.
- SINGLE (! numerical type) 4 byte floating decimal point values up to 7 decimal places.
- SLEEP (statement) pauses the program for a designated number of seconds or until a key is pressed.
- SOUND (statement) creates a sound of a specified frequency and duration.
- SPACE$ (function) returns a designated number of spaces to a STRING.
- SPC (function) moves the text cursor a number of spaces on the SCREEN.
- SQR (function) returns the square root of a non-negative number.
- STATIC (statement) creates a SUB or FUNCTION variable that retains its value.
- $STATIC (Metacommand) used at the start of a program to set all program arrays as unchangeable in size using DIM.
- STEP (keyword) move relatively from one graphic position or change the counting increment in a FOR...NEXT loop.
- STICK (function) returns the present joystick position.
- STOP (statement) stops a program when troubleshooting or stops an ON event.
- STR$ (function) returns a STRING value of a number with a leading space when it is positive.
- STRIG (function) returns the joystick button press values when read.
- STRIG(n) (statement)
- STRING ($ variable type) one byte text variable with ASCII code values from 0 to 255.
- STRING$ (function) returns a designated number of string characters.
- SUB (procedure block) sub-procedure that can calculate and return multiple parameter values.
- SWAP (statement) swaps two STRING or numerical values.
- SYSTEM (statement) ends a program immediately.
- TAB (function) moves a designated number of columns on the SCREEN.
- TAN (function) returns the ratio of SINe to COSine or tangent value of an angle measured in radians.
- THEN (IF...THEN keyword) must be used in a one line IF...THEN program flow statement.
- TIME$ (function) returns the present time setting of the Operating System as a format hh:mm:ss STRING.
- TIMER (function) returns the number of seconds since midnight as a SINGLE value.
- TIMER (statement) events based on the designated time interval and timer number.
- TO indicates a range of numerical values or an assignment of one value to another.
- TYPE (definition) defines a variable type or file record that can include any STRING or numerical types.
- UBOUND (function) returns the upper-most index number of a designated arrays.
- UCASE$ (function) returns an uppercase representation of a specified STRING.
- UEVENT (statement) Not implemented in QB64.
- UNLOCK (statement) unlocks a designated file or portions of it.
- UNTIL (condition) evaluates a DO...LOOP condition until it is True.
- VAL (function) returns the numerical value of a STRING number.
- VARPTR (function) returns the segment pointer address in memory.
- VARPTR$ (function) returns the string value of a numerical value in memory.
- VARSEG (function) returns the segment address of a value in memory.
- VIEW (graphics statement) sets up a graphic view port area of the SCREEN.
- VIEW PRINT (statement) sets up a text view port area of the SCREEN.
- WAIT (statement) waits until a vertical retrace is started or a SCREEN draw ends.
- WEND (statement) the bottom end of a WHILE...WEND loop.
- WHILE (condition) evaluates a DO...LOOP or WHILE...WEND condition until it is False.
- WHILE...WEND (statement) sets a recursive procedure loop that can only be exited using the WHILE conditional argument.
- WIDTH (statement) sets the text column and row sizes in several SCREEN modes.
- WINDOW (statement) maps a window size different from the program's window size.
- WRITE (screen I/O statement) prints variable values to the screen with commas separating each value.
- WRITE (file statement) writes data to a file with each variable value separated by commas.
- XOR (logic operator) is used to compare two numerical values bitwise.
Keywords beginning with underscores are QB64 specific. To use them without the prefix, use $NOPREFIX. Also note that the underscore prefix is reserved for QB64 KEYWORDS only.
- _ACCEPTFILEDROP (statement) turns a program window into a valid drop destination for dragging files from Windows Explorer.
- _ACOS (function) arccosine function returns the angle in radians based on an input COSine value range from -1 to 1.
- _ACOSH (function) Returns the nonnegative arc hyperbolic cosine of x, expressed in radians.
- _ALLOWFULLSCREEN (statement) allows setting the behavior of the ALT+ENTER combo.
- _ALPHA (function) returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a screen page or image.
- _ALPHA32 (function) returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a 32 bit screen page or image.
- _ASIN (function) Returns the principal value of the arc sine of x, expressed in radians.
- _ASINH (function) Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of x, expressed in radians.
- _ASSERT (statement) Performs debug tests.
- $ASSERTS (metacommand) Enables the _ASSERT macro
- _ATAN2 (function) Returns the principal value of the ATN of y/x, expressed in radians.
- _ATANH (function) Returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of x, expressed in radians.
- _AUTODISPLAY (statement) enables the automatic display of the screen image changes previously disabled by _DISPLAY.
- _AUTODISPLAY (function) returns the current display mode as true (-1) if automatic or false (0) if per request using _DISPLAY.
- _AXIS (function) returns a SINGLE value between -1 and 1 indicating the maximum distance from the device axis center, 0.
- _BACKGROUNDCOLOR (function) returns the current SCREEN background color.
- _BIT (` numerical type) can return only signed values of 0 (bit off) and -1 (bit on). Unsigned 0 or 1.
- _BLEND (statement) statement turns on 32 bit alpha blending for the current image or screen mode and is default.
- _BLEND (function) returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by _DONTBLEND statement.
- _BLINK (statement) statement turns blinking colors on/off in SCREEN 0
- _BLINK (function) returns -1 if enabled or 0 if disabled by _BLINK statement.
- _BLUE (function) function returns the palette or the blue component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
- _BLUE32 (function) returns the blue component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
- _BUTTON (function) returns -1 when a controller device button is pressed and 0 when button is released.
- _BUTTONCHANGE (function) returns -1 when a device button has been pressed and 1 when released. Zero indicates no change.
- _BYTE (%% numerical type) can hold signed values from -128 to 127 (one byte or _BIT * 8). Unsigned from 0 to 255.
- _CAPSLOCK (function) returns -1 when Caps Lock is on
- _CAPSLOCK (statement) sets Caps Lock key state
- $CHECKING (QB64 C++ Metacommand) turns event error checking OFF or ON.
- _CEIL (function) Rounds x upward, returning the smallest integral value that is not less than x.
- _CINP (function) Returns a key code from $CONSOLE input
- _CLEARCOLOR (function) returns the current transparent color of an image.
- _CLEARCOLOR (statement) sets a specific color index of an image to be transparent
- _CLIP (PUT (graphics statement) graphics option) allows placement of an image partially off of the screen.
- _CLIPBOARD$ (function) returns the operating system's clipboard contents as a STRING.
- _CLIPBOARD$ (statement) sets and overwrites the STRING value in the operating system's clipboard.
- _CLIPBOARDIMAGE (function) pastes an image from the clipboard into a new QB64 image in memory.
- _CLIPBOARDIMAGE (statement) copies a valid QB64 image to the clipboard.
- $COLOR (metacommand) includes named color constants in a program
- _COMMANDCOUNT (function) returns the number of arguments passed to the compiled program from the command line.
- _CONNECTED (function) returns the status of a TCP/IP connection handle.
- _CONNECTIONADDRESS$ (TCP/IP function) returns a connected user's STRING IP address value using the handle.
- $CONSOLE (QB64 Metacommand) creates a console window that can be used throughout a program.
- _CONSOLE (statement) used to turn a console window OFF or ON or to designate _DEST _CONSOLE for output.
- _CONSOLEINPUT (function) fetches input data from a $CONSOLE window to be read later (both mouse and keyboard)
- _CONSOLETITLE (statement) creates the title of the console window using a literal or variable STRING.
- _CONTINUE (statement) skips the remaining lines in a control block (DO/LOOP, FOR/NEXT or WHILE/WEND)
- _CONTROLCHR (statement) OFF allows the control characters to be used as text characters. ON (default) can use them as commands.
- _CONTROLCHR (function) returns the current state of _CONTROLCHR as 1 when OFF and 0 when ON.
- _COPYIMAGE (function) copies an image handle value to a new designated handle.
- _COPYPALETTE (statement) copies the color palette intensities from one 4 or 8 BPP image to another image.
- _CV (function) converts any _MK$ STRING value to the designated numerical type value.
- _CWD$ (function) returns the current working directory as a STRING value.
- _D2G (function) converts degrees to gradian angle values.
- _D2R (function) converts degrees to radian angle values.
- $DEBUG (metacommand) enables debugging features, allowing you to step through your code line by line
- DECLARE LIBRARY declares a C++, SDL or Operating System SUB or FUNCTION to be used.
- _DEFAULTCOLOR (function) returns the current default text color for an image handle or page.
- _DEFINE (statement) defines a range of variable names according to their first character as a data type.
- _DEFLATE$ (function) compresses a string
- _DELAY (statement) suspends program execution for a SINGLE number of seconds.
- _DEPTHBUFFER (statement) enables, disables, locks or clears depth buffering.
- _DESKTOPHEIGHT (function) returns the height of the desktop (not program window).
- _DESKTOPWIDTH (function) returns the width of the desktop (not program window).
- _DEST (statement) sets the current write image or SCREEN page destination for prints or graphics.
- _DEST (function) returns the current destination screen page or image handle value.
- _DEVICE$ (function) returns a STRING expression listing a designated numbered input device name and types of input.
- _DEVICEINPUT (function) returns the _DEVICES number of an _AXIS, _BUTTON or _WHEEL event.
- _DEVICES (function) returns the number of input devices found on a computer system including the keyboard and mouse.
- _DIR$ (function) returns common paths in Windows only, like My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, Desktop.
- _DIREXISTS (function) returns -1 if the Directory folder name STRING parameter exists. Zero if it does not.
- _DISPLAY (statement) turns off the _AUTODISPLAY while only displaying the screen changes when called.
- _DISPLAY (function) returns the handle of the current image that is displayed on the screen.
- _DISPLAYORDER (statement) designates the order to render software, hardware and custom-opengl-code.
- _DONTBLEND (statement) statement turns off default _BLEND 32 bit _ALPHA blending for the current image or screen.
- _DONTWAIT (SHELL action) specifies that the program should not wait until the shelled command/program is finished.
- _DROPPEDFILE (function) returns the list of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after _ACCEPTFILEDROP is enabled.
- _ECHO (statement) used in conjunction with $IF for the pre-compiler.
- $ELSE (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the pre-compiler.
- $ELSEIF (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the pre-compiler.
- $END IF (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used in conjunction with $IF for the pre-compiler.
- $ERROR (precompiler metacommand) used to trigger compiler errors.
- _ERRORLINE (function) returns the source code line number that caused the most recent runtime error.
- _ERRORMESSAGE$ (function) returns a human-readable message describing the most recent runtime error.
- $EXEICON (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used with a .ICO icon file name to embed the image into the QB64 executable.
- _EXIT (function) prevents a user exit and indicates if a user has clicked the close X window button or CTRL + BREAK.
- _FILEEXISTS (function) returns -1 if the file name STRING parameter exists. Zero if it does not.
- _FINISHDROP (statement) resets _TOTALDROPPEDFILES and clears the _DROPPEDFILE list of items (files/folders).
- _FLOAT (numerical type ##) offers the maximum floating-point decimal precision available using QB64.
- _FONT (statement) sets the current font handle to be used by PRINT or _PRINTSTRING.
- _FONT (function) creates a new font handle from a designated image handle.
- _FONTHEIGHT (function) returns the current text or font height.
- _FONTWIDTH (function) returns the current text or font width.
- _FREEFONT (statement) releases the current font handle from memory.
- _FREEIMAGE (statement) releases a designated image handle from memory.
- _FREETIMER (function) returns an unused timer number value to use with ON TIMER(n).
- _FULLSCREEN (statement) sets the program window to full screen or OFF. Alt + Enter does it manually.
- _FULLSCREEN (function) returns the fullscreen mode in use by the program.
- _G2D (function) converts gradian to degree angle values.
- _G2R (function) converts gradian to radian angle values.
- _GLRENDER (statement) sets whether context is displayed, on top of or behind the software rendering.
- _GREEN (function) function returns the palette or the green component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
- _GREEN32 (function) returns the green component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
- _HEIGHT (function) returns the height of a designated image handle.
- _HIDE (SHELL action) hides the command line display during a shell.
- _HYPOT (function) Returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are x and y.
- $IF (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used to set an IF condition for the precompiler.
- _ICON (statement) designates a _LOADIMAGE image file handle to be used as the program's icon or loads the embedded icon (see $EXEICON).
- _INCLERRORFILE$ {function) returns the name of the original source code $INCLUDE module that caused the most recent error.
- _INCLERRORLINE (function) returns the line number in an included file that caused the most recent error.
- _INFLATE$ (function) decompresses a string
- _INSTRREV (function) allows searching for a substring inside another string, but unlike INSTR it returns the last occurrence instead of the first one.
- _INTEGER64 (&& numerical type) can hold whole numerical values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
- _KEYCLEAR (statement) clears the keyboard buffers for INKEY$, _KEYHIT, and INP.
- _KEYHIT (function) returns ASCII one and two byte, SDL Virtual Key and Unicode keyboard key press codes.
- _KEYDOWN (function) returns whether CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, combinations and other keys are pressed.
- $LET (Pre-Compiler Metacommand) used to set a flag variable for the precompiler.
- _LASTAXIS (function) returns the number of axis available on a specified number device listed by _DEVICE$.
- _LASTBUTTON (function) returns the number of buttons available on a specified number device listed by _DEVICE$.
- _LASTWHEEL (function) returns the number of scroll wheels available on a specified number device listed by _DEVICE$.
- _LIMIT (statement) sets the loops per second rate to slow down loops and limit CPU usage.
- _LOADFONT (function) designates a _FONT TTF file to load and returns a handle value.
- _LOADIMAGE (function) designates an image file to load and returns a handle value.
- _MAPTRIANGLE (statement) maps a triangular image source area to put on a destination area.
- _MAPUNICODE (statement) maps a Unicode value to an ASCII code number.
- _MAPUNICODE (function) returns the Unicode (UTF32) code point value of a mapped ASCII character code.
- _MEM (function) returns _MEM block referring to the largest continuous memory region beginning at a designated variable's offset.
- _MEM (variable type) contains read only dot elements for the OFFSET, SIZE, TYPE and ELEMENTSIZE of a block of memory.
- _MEMCOPY (statement) copies a value from a designated OFFSET and SIZE TO a block of memory at a designated OFFSET.
- _MEMELEMENT (function) returns a _MEM block referring to a variable's memory (but not past it).
- _MEMEXISTS (function) verifies that a memory block exists for a memory variable name or returns zero.
- _MEMFILL (statement) fills a designated memory block OFFSET with a certain SIZE and TYPE of value.
- _MEMFREE (statement) frees a designated memory block in a program. Only free memory blocks once.
- _MEMGET (statement) reads a value from a designated memory block at a designated OFFSET
- _MEMGET (function) returns a value from a designated memory block and OFFSET using a designated variable TYPE.
- _MEMIMAGE (function) returns a _MEM block referring to a designated image handle's memory
- _MEMNEW (function) allocates new memory with a designated SIZE and returns a _MEM block referring to it.
- _MEMPUT (statement) places a designated value into a designated memory block OFFSET
- _SCREENMOVE (_SCREENMOVE parameter) centers the program window on the desktop in any screen resolution.
- _MK$ (function) converts a numerical value to a designated ASCII STRING value.
- _MOUSEBUTTON (function) returns the status of a designated mouse button.
- _MOUSEHIDE (statement) hides the mouse pointer from view
- _MOUSEINPUT (function) returns a value if the mouse status has changed since the last read.
- _MOUSEMOVE (statement) moves the mouse pointer to a designated position on the program SCREEN.
- _MOUSEMOVEMENTX (function) returns the relative horizontal position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.
- _MOUSEMOVEMENTY (function) returns the relative vertical position of the mouse cursor compared to the previous position.
- _MOUSEPIPEOPEN (function) creates a pipe handle value for a mouse when using a virtual keyboard.
- _MOUSESHOW (statement) displays the mouse cursor after it has been hidden or can change the cursor shape.
- _MOUSEWHEEL (function) returns the number of mouse scroll wheel "clicks" since last read.
- _MOUSEX (function) returns the current horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
- _MOUSEY (function) returns the current vertical position of the mouse cursor.
- _NEWIMAGE (function) creates a designated size program SCREEN or page image and returns a handle value.
- $NOPREFIX (metacommand) allows QB64-specific keywords to be used without the underscore prefix.
- _NUMLOCK (function) returns -1 when Num Lock is on
- _NUMLOCK (statement) sets Num Lock key state
- _OFFSET (function) returns the memory offset of a variable when used with DECLARE LIBRARY or _MEM only.
- _OFFSET (%& numerical type) can be used store the value of an offset in memory when using DECLARE LIBRARY or MEM only.
- _OPENCLIENT (TCP/IP function) connects to a Host on the Internet as a Client and returns the Client status handle.
- _OPENCONNECTION (TCP/IP function) open's a connection from a client that the host has detected and returns a status handle.
- _OPENHOST (TCP/IP function) opens a Host and returns a Host status handle.
- OPTION _EXPLICIT (Pre-compiler directive) instructs the compiler to require variable declaration with DIM or an equivalent statement.
- OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY (Pre-compiler directive) instructs the compiler to require array declaration with DIM or an equivalent statement.
- _OS$ (function) returns the QB64 compiler version in which the program was compiled as [WINDOWS], [LINUX] or [MACOSX] and [32BIT] or [64BIT].
- _PALETTECOLOR (statement) sets the color value of a palette entry of an image using 256 colors or less palette modes.
- _PALETTECOLOR (function) return the 32 bit attribute color setting of an image or screen page handle's palette.
- _PI (function) returns the value of π or parameter multiples for angle or CIRCLE calculations.
- _PIXELSIZE (function) returns the pixel palette mode of a designated image handle.
- _PRESERVE (REDIM action) preserves the data presently in an array when REDIM is used.
- _PRINTIMAGE (statement) sends an image to the printer that is stretched to the current printer paper size.
- _PRINTMODE (statement) sets the text or _FONT printing mode on a background when using PRINT or _PRINTSTRING.
- _PRINTMODE (function) returns the present _PRINTMODE value number.
- _PRINTSTRING (statement) locates and prints a text STRING using graphic coordinates.
- _PRINTWIDTH (function) returns the pixel width of a text string to be printed using _PRINTSTRING.
- _PUTIMAGE (statement) maps a rectangular image source area to an image destination area.
- _R2D (function) converts radians to degree angle values.
- _R2G (function) converts radians to gradian angle values.
- _RED (function) function returns the palette or the red component intensity of a 32-bit image color.
- _RED32 (function) returns the red component intensity of a 32-bit color value.
- _READBIT (function) returns the state of the specified bit of an integer variable.
- _RESETBIT (function) is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 0.
- $RESIZE (Metacommand) used with ON allows a user to resize the program window where OFF does not.
- _RESIZE (statement) sets resizing of the window ON or OFF and sets the method as _STRETCH or _SMOOTH.
- _RESIZE (function) returns -1 when a program user wants to resize the program screen.
- _RESIZEHEIGHT (function) returns the requested new user screen height when $RESIZE:ON allows it.
- _RESIZEWIDTH (function) returns the requested new user screen width when $RESIZE:ON allows it.
- _RGB (function) returns the closest palette index OR the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens.
- _RGB32 (function) returns the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only
- _RGBA (function) returns the closest palette index OR the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens with the ALPHA
- _RGBA32 (function) returns the LONG 32 bit color value in 32 bit screens only with the ALPHA
- _ROUND (function) rounds to the closest INTEGER, LONG or _INTEGER64 numerical value.
- _SCREENCLICK (statement) simulates clicking on a point on the desktop screen with the left mouse button.
- _SCREENEXISTS (function) returns a -1 value once a screen has been created.
- $SCREENHIDE QB64 Metacommand hides the program window from view.
- _SCREENHIDE (statement) hides the program window from view.
- _SCREENICON (function) returns -1 or 0 to indicate if the window has been minimized to an icon on the taskbar.
- _SCREENICON (statement) minimizes the program window to an icon on the taskbar.
- _SCREENIMAGE (function) creates an image of the current desktop and returns an image handle.
- _SCREENMOVE (statement) positions program window on the desktop using designated coordinates or the _MIDDLE option.
- _SCREENPRINT (statement) simulates typing text into a Windows program using the keyboard.
- $SCREENSHOW (QB64 Metacommand) displays that program window after it was hidden by $SCREENHIDE.
- _SCREENSHOW (statement) displays the program window after it has been hidden by _SCREENHIDE.
- _SCREENX (function) returns the program window's upper left corner horizontal position on the desktop.
- _SCREENY (function) returns the program window's upper left corner vertical position on the desktop.
- _SCROLLLOCK (function) returns -1 when Scroll Lock is on
- _SCROLLLOCK (statement) sets Scroll Lock key state
- _SETALPHA (statement) sets the alpha channel transparency level of some or all of the pixels of an image.
- _SETBIT (function) is used to set the specified bit of an integer variable to 1.
- _SHELLHIDE (function) returns the code sent by a program exit using END or SYSTEM followed by an INTEGER value.
- _SHL (function) used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the left
- _SHR (function) used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the right.
- Mathematical Operations (function) Returns the hyperbolic sine of x radians.
- _SNDBAL (statement) attempts to set the balance or 3D position of a sound file.
- _SNDCLOSE (statement) frees and unloads an open sound using the sound handle created by _SNDOPEN.
- _SNDCOPY (function) copies a sound handle value to a new designated handle.
- _SNDGETPOS (function) returns the current playing position in seconds from a sound file.
- _SNDLEN (function) returns the length of a sound in seconds from a sound file.
- _SNDLIMIT (statement) stops playing a sound after it has been playing for a set number of seconds.
- _SNDLOOP (statement) plays a sound repeatedly until _SNDSTOP is used.
- _SNDOPEN (function) loads a sound file and returns a sound handle.
- _SNDOPENRAW (function) opens a new channel to shove _SNDRAW content into without mixing.
- _SNDPAUSE (statement) stops playing a sound file until resumed.
- _SNDPAUSED (function) returns the current pause status of a sound file handle.
- _SNDPLAY (statement) plays a sound file handle that was created by _SNDOPEN or _SNDCOPY.
- _SNDPLAYCOPY (statement) copies a sound handle, plays it and automatically closes the copy when done.
- _SNDPLAYFILE (statement) directly plays a designated sound file.
- _SNDPLAYING (function) returns the current playing status of a sound handle.
- _SNDRATE (function) returns the sound card sample rate to set _SNDRAW durations.
- _SNDRAW (statement) creates mono or stereo sounds from calculated wave frequency values.
- _SNDRAWDONE (statement) pads a _SNDRAW stream so the final (partially filled) buffer section is played.
- _SNDRAWLEN (function) returns a value until the _SNDRAW buffer is empty.
- _SNDSETPOS (statement) sets the playing position of a sound handle.
- _SNDSTOP (statement) stops playing a sound handle.
- _SNDVOL (statement) sets the volume of a sound file handle.
- _SOURCE (statement) sets the source image handle.
- _SOURCE (function) returns the present source image handle value.
- _STARTDIR$ (function) returns the user's program calling path as a STRING.
- _STRCMP (function) compares the relationship between two strings.
- _STRICMP (function) compares the relationship between two strings, without regard for case-sensitivity.
- Mathematical Operations (function) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x radians.
- _TITLE (statement) sets the program title STRING value.
- _TITLE$ (function) gets the program title STRING value.
- _TOGGLEBIT (function) is used to toggle the specified bit of an integer variable from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
- _TOTALDROPPEDFILES (function) returns the number of items (files or folders) dropped in a program's window after _ACCEPTFILEDROP is enabled.
- _TRIM$ (function) shorthand to LTRIM$(RTRIM$("text"))
- _UNSIGNED (numerical type) expands the positive range of numerical INTEGER, LONG or _INTEGER64 values returned.
- $VERSIONINFO (Metacommand) adds metadata to Windows only binaries for identification purposes across the OS.
- $VIRTUALKEYBOARD (Metacommand - Deprecated) turns the virtual keyboard ON or OFF for use in touch-enabled devices
- _WHEEL (function) returns -1 when a control device wheel is scrolled up and 1 when scrolled down. Zero indicates no activity.
- _WIDTH (function) returns the width of a SCREEN or image handle.
- _WINDOWHANDLE (function) returns the window handle assigned to the current program by the OS. Windows-only.
- _WINDOWHASFOCUS (function) returns true (-1) if the current program's window has focus. Windows-only.
All QB64 OpenGL keywords must use the underscore _gl prefix with the alphabetically listed function names.
Use $NOPREFIX to enable these to be used without the leading underscore.
Important: See SUB _GL
- _glAccum (statement) OpenGL command
- _glAlphaFunc (statement) OpenGL command
- _glAreTexturesResident (statement) OpenGL command
- _glArrayElement (statement) OpenGL command
- _glBegin (statement) OpenGL command
- _glBindTexture (statement) OpenGL command binds a named texture to a texturing target
- _glBitmap (statement) OpenGL command
- _glBlendFunc (statement) OpenGL command
- _glCallList (statement) OpenGL command
- _glCallLists (statement) OpenGL command
- _glClear (statement) OpenGL command clears buffers to preset values
- _glClearAccum (statement) OpenGL command
- _glClearColor (statement) OpenGL command specifies clear values for the color buffers
- _glClearDepth (statement) OpenGL command specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared. Initial value is 1.
- _glClearIndex (statement) OpenGL command
- _glClearStencil (statement) OpenGL command specifies the index used when the stencil buffer is cleared. Initial value is 0.
- _glClipPlane (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3b (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3bv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3ub (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3ubv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3ui (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3uiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3us (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor3usv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4b (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4bv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4ub (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4ubv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4ui (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4uiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4us (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColor4usv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColorMask (statement) OpenGL command enables and disables writing of frame buffer color components
- _glColorMaterial (statement) OpenGL command
- _glColorPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glCopyPixels (statement) OpenGL command
- _glCopyTexImage1D (statement) OpenGL command copies pixels into a 1D texture image
- _glCopyTexImage2D (statement) OpenGL command copies pixels into a 2D texture image
- _glCopyTexSubImage1D (statement) OpenGL command copies a one-dimensional texture subimage
- _glCopyTexSubImage2D (statement) OpenGL command copiess a two-dimensional texture subimage
- _glCullFace (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDeleteLists (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDeleteTextures (statement) OpenGL command deletes named textures
- _glDepthFunc (statement) OpenGL command specifies the value used for depth buffer comparisons
- _glDepthMask (statement) OpenGL command enables or disables writing into the depth buffer
- _glDepthRange (statement) OpenGL command specifies mapping of near clipping plane to window coordinates. Initial value 0.
- _glDisable (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDisableClientState (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDrawArrays (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDrawBuffer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDrawElements (statement) OpenGL command
- _glDrawPixels (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEdgeFlag (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEdgeFlagPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEdgeFlagv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEnable (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEnableClientState (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEnd (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEndList (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord1d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord1dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord1f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord1fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord2dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalCoord2fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalMesh1 (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalMesh2 (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalPoint1 (statement) OpenGL command
- _glEvalPoint2 (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFeedbackBuffer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFinish (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFlush (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFogf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFogfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFogi (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFogiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFrontFace (statement) OpenGL command
- _glFrustum (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGenLists (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGenTextures (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetBooleanv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetClipPlane (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetDoublev (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetError (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetFloatv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetIntegerv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetLightfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetLightiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetMapdv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetMapfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetMapiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetMaterialfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetMaterialiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetPixelMapfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetPixelMapuiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetPixelMapusv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetPointerv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetPolygonStipple (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetString (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexEnvfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexEnviv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexGendv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexGenfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexGeniv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexImage (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexLevelParameterfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexLevelParameteriv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexParameterfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glGetTexParameteriv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glHint (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexMask (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexd (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexdv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexi (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexs (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexsv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexub (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIndexubv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glInitNames (statement) OpenGL command
- _glInterleavedArrays (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIsEnabled (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIsList (statement) OpenGL command
- _glIsTexture (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightModelf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightModelfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightModeli (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightModeliv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLighti (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLightiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLineStipple (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLineWidth (statement) OpenGL command
- _glListBase (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLoadIdentity (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLoadMatrixd (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLoadMatrixf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLoadName (statement) OpenGL command
- _glLogicOp (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMap1d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMap1f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMap2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMap2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMapGrid1d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMapGrid1f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMapGrid2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMapGrid2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMaterialf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMaterialfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMateriali (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMaterialiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMatrixMode (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMultMatrixd (statement) OpenGL command
- _glMultMatrixf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNewList (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3b (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3bv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormal3sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glNormalPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glOrtho (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPassThrough (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelMapfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelMapuiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelMapusv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelStoref (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelStorei (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelTransferf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelTransferi (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPixelZoom (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPointSize (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPolygonMode (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPolygonOffset (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPolygonStipple (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPopAttrib (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPopClientAttrib (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPopMatrix (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPopName (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPrioritizeTextures (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPushAttrib (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPushClientAttrib (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPushMatrix (statement) OpenGL command
- _glPushName (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos2sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos3sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRasterPos4sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glReadBuffer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glReadPixels (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectd (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectdv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRecti (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectiv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRects (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRectsv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRenderMode (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRotated (statement) OpenGL command
- _glRotatef (statement) OpenGL command
- _glScaled (statement) OpenGL command
- _glScalef (statement) OpenGL command
- _glScissor (statement) OpenGL command
- _glSelectBuffer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glShadeModel (statement) OpenGL command
- _glStencilFunc (statement) OpenGL command
- _glStencilMask (statement) OpenGL command
- _glStencilOp (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord1sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord2sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord3sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoord4sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexCoordPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexEnvf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexEnvfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexEnvi (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexEnviv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGend (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGendv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGenf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGenfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGeni (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexGeniv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexImage1D (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexImage2D (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexParameterf (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexParameterfv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexParameteri (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexParameteriv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexSubImage1D (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTexSubImage2D (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTranslated (statement) OpenGL command
- _glTranslatef (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex2sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex3sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4d (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4dv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4f (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4fv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4i (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4iv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4s (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertex4sv (statement) OpenGL command
- _glVertexPointer (statement) OpenGL command
- _glViewport (statement) OpenGL command
Note: All symbols below can also be used inside of literal quoted strings except for quotation marks.
Print, Input or File Formatting
- Semicolon after a PRINT stops invisible cursor at end of printed value. Can prevent screen rolling. A Semicolon after the INPUT prompt text will display a question mark after the text.
- Comma after a PRINT tabs invisible cursor past end of printed value. After the INPUT prompt text a comma displays no Question mark.
- Quotation mark delimits the ends of a literal STRING value in a PRINT, INPUT or LINE INPUT statement.
- Question mark is a shortcut substitute for the PRINT keyword. Will change to PRINT when cursor leaves the code line.
- Apostrophe ignores a line of code or program comment and MUST be used before a Metacommand. Same as using REM.
- Comma is used to separate DATA, SUB or FUNCTION parameter variables.
- Colons can be used to separate two procedure statements on one code line.
- Dollar_Sign prefix denotes a QBasic Metacommand.
- Parenthesis enclose a math or conditional procedure order, SUB or FUNCTION parameters or to pass by value.
- + concatenation operator MUST be used to combine literal string values in a variable definition.
- Quotation mark designates the ends of a literal STRING value. Use CHR$(34) to insert quotes in a text STRING.
- Underscore can be used to continue a line of code to the next program line in QB64.
- STRING text character type: 1 byte
- SINGLE floating decimal point numerical type (4 bytes)
- DOUBLE floating decimal point numerical type (8 bytes)
- _FLOAT QB64 decimal point numerical type (32 bytes)
- _UNSIGNED QB64 INTEGER positive numerical type when it precedes the 6 numerical suffixes below:
- INTEGER INTEGER numerical type (2 bytes)
- LONG INTEGER numerical type (4 bytes}
- _INTEGER64 QB64 INTEGER numerical type (8 bytes)
- _BIT QB64 INTEGER numerical type (1 bit) (Key below tilde (~) or CHR$(96))
- _BYTE QB64 INTEGER numerical type (1 byte)
- _OFFSET QB64 INTEGER numerical pointer address type (any byte size required)
- + operator or sign
- - operator or sign
- * operator
- / (floating decimal point) operator
- \ operator
- ^ operator
- MOD operator
- Equal Equal to condition
- Not_Equal Not equal condition
- Greater_Than Greater than condition
- Less_Than Less than condition
- Greater_Than_Or_Equal Greater than or equal to condition
- Less_Than_Or_Equal Less than or equal to condition
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