This telegram bot is designed to track karma in chats. Just add him to the chat and thank each other for helpful answers.
For deploy info look at docs/
most bot command use throttle mechanism, it means the bot wouldn't answer if you send many identical requests in a row
commands list:
- /start, !start - simple bot information
- !help - information about karma triggers
- !about - information about the bot author and link to the source code
- !top - show top users by karma level for this chat (only works for group and supergroups)
- !me - show your karma for this chat (in group or supergroup) or show your karma for all yours chats (in private)
- !report, /report, !admin, /admin, @admin - report spam, insult or another inappropriate content to the group administrators
- !idchat - get id of chat, your id, and id of replayed user
moderator commands list:
- !ro !mute [DURATION] [@mention] - restrict replied or mentioned user for DURATION.
- !ban [DURATION] [@mention] - kick replied user for DURATION
- DURATION in format [AAAy][BBBw][CCCd][DDDh][EEEm][FFFs] where:
- AAA - count of years (more than one year is permanent)
- BBB - count of weeks
- CCC - count of days
- DDD - count of hours
- EEE - count of minutes
- FFF - count of seconds (less than 30 seconds will be mean 30 seconds)
- you have to specify one or more duration part without spaces
- DURATION in format [AAAy][BBBw][CCCd][DDDh][EEEm][FFFs] where:
- !warn, !w [@mention] - official warn user from moderator
- !info [@mention] - information about user (karma changes, restrictions, warns)
chat settings commands list:
- !enable_karmic_ro - enable restrictions on low karma reason (need to have right for ban users for bot and user asked for that command)
- !disable_karmic_ro - disable restrictions on low karma reason (need to have right for ban users for bot and user asked for that command)
superuser commands list:
- /generate_invite_logchat - if bot is admin in the chat of LOG_CHAT_ID from
bot generates invite link to that - /logchat - get logchat invite link if it's generated earlier
- /update_log - send logs from /logs path to LOG_CHAT_ID and remove logs from files
- /dump - The bot sends a dump of the sqlite database to the chat DUMP_CHAT_ID
- /json - bot exports db with karma to json and send it to the DUMP_CHAT_ID
- !add_manual - send it with the format "!add_manual USER_ID NEW_KARMA" to replace karma in that chat for that user. use this command CAREFULLY