Mr. Bowl's Project Zomboid Dedicated Server Mod Load Order:
- Maps
- Tile packs
- Framework and Character adjustment mods (traits, skills, UI, etc)
- Vehicle mods
- All other mods (items, loot, clothing, etc.)
- Any mod that is a patch to 2+ previous mods
- Any mod that updates other mods (such as udderly up to date)
Note I: If there is a library or supporting mod, include it in the appropriate category. If it does not have a category, include it near the mod that requires it. Note II: Make sure you read mod descriptions and see if there are dependencies or specific load instructions.
Mr. Bowl's Project Zomboid RAM (Memory) Requirements:
Project Zomboid, with no/none/zero mods requires a minimum of:
- 2gb of RAM to start.
- 2gb of RAM to surge map data into.
- 0.5gb/player of RAM for connected players.
Note: That means that a completely vanilla PZ server with 8x connected players requires 8gb of RAM minimum to actually properly function. If you are running this in dockerized environments, such as Pterodactyl, then then assigned container requires 2gb of RAM on its own so that the game instance doesnt reach an out of memory error. If you are using mods, this will rapidly increase towards a baseline of anywhere from 4 - 12gb of RAM for just the game itself to operate with all the mods loaded. And require as much as 0.6-1.7gb/player connected.
Mr. Bowl's Project Zomboid Mod Amounts and Categorization:
Note: Information based on community feedback over several years.
"Vanilla" : is 0 mods.
"Vanilla+" : is 1 to 12 mods (non game changing, QoL only, no maps).
"Light" modded: 12 to 75 mods (some maps, no tile packs, qol, some vehicles, few weapons).
"Moderately" modded: 50 to 125 mods (maps with tile packs, vehicles, lots of qol, character changing mods, framework mods, etc).
"Moderate+" Modded: 100 to 250 mods (lots of maps, lots of tile packs, lots of vehicles, mods that add entirely new functions like an economy, reworks to foraging or farming systems, adjusted loot tables, etc).
"Heavily" modded: 250+ mods (entire map remake, tile packs all over, multiple mod dependencies, etc etc etc).
This all also depends on the mods. For example, not all vehicle mods are created equal. Filibuster-Rhymes' Used Cars adds a lot of vehicles without being intensive on resources. On the other hand, the flyable-helicoper mod can crash a server that isn't powerful enough.
Tech-Support Information Credits: BowlOfOodaLoops