Heylo, I'm Prateek! 👋
- 1x Engineer who ♥ to automate cloud 🌩 infrastructure and is passionate about learning!
- 4x Author, published some books on topic:
,Windows Subsystem for Linux
- 50x Articles written on multiple platforms such as 4sysops.com, ipswitch.com, and techtarget.com
- 200x Blog posts written on my blog 👉 ridicurious.com
- Automated Azure Infrastructure Diagrams with PowerShell
- Deep Dive: Break, Continue, Return, Exit in PowerShell
- Deep Dive: PowerShell Loops and Iterations
- PowerShell Scripting guide to Python
- 5 ways to select Unique items in PowerShell
- 2 Ways to Copy Files from Windows 10 to Windows Sub-System for Linux
- 11 Ways to Create HashTable in PowerShell
- 4 Ways to Create PowerShell Objects
- 4 Ways to Validate IP Address in PowerShell
- 4 Ways to Find OS Architecture using PowerShell (32 or 64 bit)
- 5 ways to select Unique items in PowerShell